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Project Equates To add a project equate, type a list of valid Clarion labels separated by semicolons. Each label defines a separate equate.
Optimize code Check this box to enable optimizations to be performed by the compiler to make your output file smaller, faster, and more efficient.
Suppress Warnings Suppress the compiler from showing warnings.
Define DEBUG constant Select this check box to define the DEBUG constant, which enables your application to use the Debug class.
Define TRACE constant Select this check box to define the TRACE constant, which enables your application to use the Trace class.
Output Path Enter a subfolder where the compiler output will be generated. (Example: bin\Debug\)
XML Documentation Check this box to generate XML documentation. Enter the name of the output file. XML Documentation is indicated in the source files with special comments.
Debug Info Controls the debug information that is generated by the compiler. Use this option to create debug builds. If Full debug info is generated, be aware that there is some impact on the speed and size of JIT optimized code and a small impact on code quality.
Target CPU Specify the platform that the output assembly will be able to run on.
File Alignment Specify the size of sections in your output file. Valid values are 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, and 8192 (bytes). Modifying section size may be useful for programs that will run on smaller devices.
DLLBaseAddress Specify the preferred base address at which to load a DLL.