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C6H0069 Introduction

C6H0070 Template Organization

Template Code Sections

#TEMPLATE (begin template set)

#SYSTEM (template registration and load)

#APPLICATION (source generation control section)

#PROGRAM (global area)

#MODULE (module area)

#PROCEDURE (begin a procedure template)

#GROUP (reusable statement group)

#UTILITY (utility execution section)

#CODE (define a code template)

#CONTROL (define a control template)

#EXTENSION (define an extension template)

Embed Points

#EMBED (define embedded source point)

#AT (insert code in an embed point)

#ATSTART (template intialization code)

#ATEND (template reset code)

#CONTEXT (set template code generation context)

#EMPTYEMBED (generate empty embed point comments)

#POSTEMBED (generate ending embed point comments)

#PREEMBED (generate beginning embed point comments)

Template Code Section Constraints

#WHERE (define #CODE embed point availability)

#RESTRICT (define section use constraints)

#ACCEPT (section valid for use)

#REJECT (section invalid for use)

C6H0069 Defaults and Template Data

C6H0069 Programmer Input

C6H0069 Logic and Source Generation Control

C6H0069 Miscellaneous

C6H0069 Template Symbols

C6H0069 Annotated Examples