Navigation: Language Reference > App D - Error Codes >====== XML ErrorCodes ====== | |
At the time of this release, here are possible errors that can be returned by the GetLastError function, used when processing XML parsing oprerations. For more detailed information, refer to the Clarion XML Support PDF.
Error Level Description
0 NoError
1 XMLReadFail
2 XMLWriteFail
3 DuplicateName
4 IllegalName
5 CreateDOMFail
6 EOF (End of File)
7 InvalidArgument
8 IllegalFunctionCall
9 NotSupported
10 InternalError
11 FieldNotFound
12 CommonError
13 IllegalParameter
14 ImportFail
15 NotSuccessful
16 IllegalFormat
17 IllegalType
18 IllegalSize
19 NoSuchField
20 EOS (End of Schema)
21 SchemaNotSupported
22 InconsistentSchema
23 CheckFail
24 AddRecordFailed
25 InvalidNodeName
26 NoCurrentNode
27 CdataNotSupported
28 Base64NotSupported