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Navigation:  Language Reference > App D - Error Codes >====== Extended ERRORCODE 47 Errors ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

When an ERRORCODE value of 47 is returned ('Invalid File Declaration'), you can use the FILEERRORCODE statement to check for more information.

FILEERRORCODE returns a string in the following format

“obj : index : property : errorcode”


index   the ordinal of the object in the parent (1 based).

property the name of the property that is invalid

errorcode the format Snumber or Dnumber

Below is a table of extended error codes, with their corresponding CLAMSG number, default error message, and notes

Dnumber indicates a driver specific error code

Snumber indicates a general error code

Below is a table of Snumber error codes, with their corresponding CLAMSG number, default error message and notes

Object ErrorCode CLAMSG number Error Message Notes
SYSTEM S00001 100000l Internal Error: Property cannot be set You should never see this. It indicates a bug in the runtime library.
S00002 1000002 Dynamic File Support Not Found You are trying to change the driver of a static file without having the Dynamic File Driver support library present.This error code is returned byfile{PROP:Driver} = 'value'.
FILE S0000l 110000l No File Driver Specified
S00002 1100002 File Driver could not be loaded The system could not load the file driver DLL. Probably because it is not on the path
S00003 1100003 The DLL is not a valid file driver This normally indicates a corrupt file driver
S00004 1100004 File Driver not defined The value specified in file{PROP:Driver} does not match any know driver. If you have a third party file driver you may need to add an entry to the list of drivers stored in the windows registry at“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SoftVelocity\AnyDriver\\Cla”
S00005 1100005 The record structure is greater than 4,194,304 bytes in size
FIELD S0000l 120000l Not a Valid Clarion Label
S00002 1200002 Duplicate Label
S00003 1200003 No Type Specified
S00004 1200004 Type requires a size and no size specified
S00005 1200005 The Group has more fields than has been defined You have not defined enough fields in the file to fill the group based onthe file{PROP:Fields, n} value set for this group
S00006 1200006 More Decimal Places than specified size
S00007 1200007 Size is too big
S00008 1200008 Field Count not specified for a GROUP field
S00009 1200009 Field must be over a field defined before the field
S000l0 12000l0 The Group is greater than 4,194,304 bytes in size
S000l1 12000l1 The Field is greater than 4,190,208 bytes in size
S000l2 12000l2 Field is larger than the field that it is over
S000l3 12000l3 Invalid Picture
S000l4 12000l4 Field cannot be over a field inside another GROUP
KEY S0000l 130000l Not a Valid Clarion Label
S00002 1300002 Duplicate Label
S00003 1300003 Type set to 'KEY', but no fields specified
S00004 1300004 Key is defined as PRIMARY and DUP
COMPONENT S0000l 140000l Component number is greater than the number of fields in the filestructure
S00002 1400002 Component is a dimensioned field
MEMO/BLOB S0000l 130000l Not a Valid Clarion Label
S00002 1300002 Duplicate Label
S00003 1500003 No Size Specified for a MEMO

Below is a table of Dnumber error codes, with their corresponding CLAMSG number, default error message

Object ErrorCode CLAMSG number Error Message
FILE D0000l 210000l Component does not match physical file structure
FIELD D0000l 220000l Component does not match physical file structure
D00002 2200002 No Name or Label Specified
D00003 2200003 Data type not supported
D0004 2200004 Number of dimensions is greater than that supported by the file driver
D0005 2200005 Field is larger than the maximum supported by the file driver
KEY D0000l 230000l Component does not match physical file structure
D00002 2300002 No Name or Label Specified
D00003 2300003 Too Many Keys defined
COMPONENT D0000l 240000l Component does not match physical file structure
D00002 2400002 Driver does not support Descending Key Components
D00003 2400003 Driver does not support mixed Ascending and Descending Key Components
MEMO/BLOB D0000l 250000l Component does not match physical file structure
D00002 2500002 No Name or Label Specified
D00003 2500003 Too Many Memos defined
D00004 2500004 Memo is larger than the maximum size supported by the file driver
D00005 2500005 Driver does not support BLOBs
D00006 2500006 Driver does not support MEMOs
D00007 2500007 Driver does not support BINARY memos or blobs

Below is an error code specific to the ODBC driver, with corresponding CLAMSG number, and default error message.

Object ErrorCode CLAMSG number Error Message
FIELD D03101 2203101 You are using an unsigned data type with an ODBC 1.0 backend

Below is an error code specific to the Oracle driver, with corresponding CLAMSG number, and default error message.

Object ErrorCode CLAMSG number Error Message
MEMO/BLOB D03201 253201 BLOB fields are not supported on Oracle v7 or earlier

Below is an error code specific to the TopSpeed driver, with corresponding CLAMSG number, and default error message and notes.

Object ErrorCode CLAMSG number Error Message Notes
FILE D00102 2100102 You are attempting to open a newer TopSpeed file format than the driver supports At present this error code can never occur. This error code may occur in the future if the TopSpeed file format changes and you attempt to open a new format file with the current driver
extended_errorcode_47_errors.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by