Navigation: Language Reference > App D - Error Codes > Run Time Errors >====== Trappable Run Time Errors ====== | |
The following errors can be trapped in code with the ERRORCODE and ERROR procedures. Each error has a code number (returned by the ERRORCODE procedure) and an associated text message (returned by the ERROR procedure) indicating what the problem is.
2 | File Not Found |
The requested file does not exist in the specified directory. | |
3 | Path Not Found |
The directory name specified as part of the path does not exist. | |
4 | Too Many Open Files |
The total number of file handles available has been used. Check the FILES= setting in the CONFIG.SYS file, or the user's or network's simultaneous open files setting in a network environment. | |
5 | Access Denied |
The file has already been opened by another user for exclusive access, has been left in a locked state, or you do not have network rights to open the file. This error can also occur when no disk space is available. | |
7 | Memory Corrupted |
Some unknown memory corruption has occurred. | |
8 | Insufficient Memory |
There is not enough unallocated memory left to perform the operation. Closing other applications may free up enough memory. | |
15 | Invalid Drive |
An attempt to read a non-existent disk drive has failed. | |
27 | Invalid Table Declaration |
An attempt to open a table that has an invalid table structure has failed. This is normally found when a Dynamic File has been created incorrectly. Also seen in IP Driver based applications. | |
30 | Entry Not Found |
A GET to QUEUE has failed. For GET(Q,key), the matching key value was not found, and for GET(Q,pointer), the pointer is out of range. | |
32 | File Is Already Locked |
An attempt to LOCK a file has failed because another user has already locked it. | |
33 | Record Not Available |
Usually an attempt to read past the end or beginning of file with NEXT or PREVIOUS. May also be posted by PUT or DELETE when no record was read before the attempted PUT or DELETE. | |
35 | Record Not Found |
For a GET(File,key), the matching key field value was not found. | |
36 | Invalid Data File |
Some unknown data file corruption has occurred, or the OWNER attribute does not match the password used to encrypt the file. | |
37 | File Not Open |
An attempt to perform some operation that requires the file be already open has failed because the file is not open. | |
38 | Invalid Key File |
Some unknown key file corruption has occurred. | |
40 | Creates Duplicate Key |
An attempt to ADD or PUT a record with key field values that duplicate another existing record in the file has been made to a file with a key that does not allow duplicate entries. | |
43 | Record Is Already Held |
An attempt to HOLD a record has failed because another user has already held it. | |
45 | Invalid Filename |
The filename does not meet the definition of a valid DOS filename. | |
46 | Key File Must Be Rebuilt |
Some unknown key corruption has occurred that requires the BUILD statement to re-build the key. | |
47 | Invalid Record Declaration |
The data file on disk does not match the file's declaration in the .EXE, usually because you have changed the file's definition in the Data Dictionary and have not yet converted the existing data file to the new format. See How do I handle an Error 47 | |
48 | Unable To Log Transaction |
A transaction logout or pre-image file cannot be written to disk. This usually occurs because no disk space is available, or the user does not have the proper network rights. | |
52 | File Already Open |
An attempt to OPEN a file that has already been opened by this user. | |
54 | No Create Attribute |
An attempt to execute the CREATE procedure on a file whose declaration does not include the CREATE attribute. | |
55 | File Must Be Shared |
An attempt to open a file for exclusive access that must be shared. (Legacy error, no longer used) | |
56 | LOGOUT Already Active |
An attempt to issue a second LOGOUT statement while a transaction is already in progress. | |
57 | Invalid Memo File |
Some unknown memo file corruption has occurred. For Clarion data files, this could come from a corrupt .MEM file “signature” or pointers to the memo file in the data file that are “out of sync” (usually due to copying files from one location to another and copying the wrong .MEM file). | |
63 | Exclusive Access Required |
| An attempt to perform a BUILD(file), BUILD(key), EMPTY(file) or PACK(file) was made when the file had not been opened with exclusive access. |
64 | Sharing Violation |
An attempt to perform some action on a file which requires that the file be opened for shared access. | |
65 | Unable To ROLLBACK Transaction |
An attempt to ROLLBACK a transaction has failed for some unknown reason. | |
73 | Memo File Missing |
An attempt to OPEN a file that has been declared with a MEMO field and the file containing that memo data does not exist. | |
75 | Invalid Field Type Descriptor |
Either the type descriptor is corrupt, you have used a name that does not exist in GET(Q,name), or the file definition is not valid for the file driver. For example, trying to define a LONG field in an xBase file without a matching MEMO field. | |
76 | Invalid Index String |
The index string passed to BUILD(DynIndex,string) was invalid. | |
77 | Unable To Access Index |
An attempt to retrieve records using a dynamic index failed because the dynamic index could not be found. | |
78 | Invalid Number Of Parameters |
You did not pass the correct number of parameters to a procedure called in an EVALUATE statement. Note: As of Clarion Version 6.2 (9047), the SQL Drivers now add more information to the trace log file, explaining why the ERRORCODE 78 was generated. | |
79 | Unsupported Data Type In File |
The file driver has detected a field in the file declared with a data type that is not supported by the file system the driver is designed to access. | |
80 | Unsupported File Driver Function |
The file driver has detected a file access statement that is not supported. This is frequently an unsupported form (different parameters) of a statement that is supported. | |
81 | Unknown Error Posted |
The file driver has detected some error from the backend file system that it cannot get further information about. | |
88 | Invalid Key Length |
An attempt to CREATE a Clarion file driver KEY or INDEX with more than 245 characters. Other file drivers can also return this error when their file system key length limits are exceeded. | |
89 | Record Changed By Another Station |
The WATCH statement has detected a record on disk that does not match the original version of the record about to be updated in a network situation. | |
90 | File Driver Error |
The file driver has detected some other error reported by the file system. You can use the FILEERRORCODE and FILEERROR procedures to determine exactly what native error the file system is reporting. | |
91 | No Logout Active |
The COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement has been issued outside of a transaction frame (no LOGOUT statement has been executed). | |
92 | BUILD in Progress |
A BUILD statement has been issued and PROP:ProgressEvents has been set to generate events. The statement generating this error is not appropriate to execute during a BUILD process. | |
93 | BUILD Cancelled |
The user cancelled the BUILD. This error is set when EVENT:BuildDone is posted. | |
94 | Record Limit Exceeded |
The target file has exceeded the record limit. This value is file driver dependent, and can be returned during any attempt to modify a file where the record limit is exceeded. | |
97 | Stream Error |
Used during RTF processing. | |
100 | Trigger Error |
This error is set whenever a registered file callback method returns FALSE. See CALLBACK | |
601 | Invalid DDE Channel |
602 | DDE Channel Not Open |
603 | DDEEXECUTE Failed |
604 | DDEPOKE Failed |
605 | Time Out |
1010 | Illegal Expression |
The EVALUATE procedure has detected an error in the syntax of the expression it is attempting to evaluate. | |
1011 | Variable Not Found |
The EVALUATE procedure has not found a variable used in the expression it is attempting to evaluate. You must first BIND all variables used in the expression for them to be visible to EVALUATE. | |
1015 | Invalid Parameter in Built-In |
The EVALUATE procedure has found a missing or invalid variable in a built-in function that used in the expression it is attempting to evaluate. |
trappable_run_time_errors.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by