Navigation: Language Reference > App D - Error Codes > Run Time Errors >====== Non-Trappable Run Time Errors ====== | |
The following errors occur at run time and cannot be trapped with the ERRORCODE or ERROR procedures.
ACCEPT loop requires a window
An ACCEPT loop that has no associated window.
ENDPAGE must only be called for reports
An attempt to execute the ENDPAGE statement when no REPORT is active.
Event posted to a report control
An attempt to POST an event to a control in a REPORT structure.
Metafile record too large in report
A .WMF file is too large to print in the report.
PRINT must only be called for reports
An attempt to PRINT a structure that is not part of a REPORT.
Report is already open
An attempt to OPEN a REPORT that has already been opened and not yet closed.
Too many keystrokes PRESSed
The parameter to the PRESS statement contains too many characters.
Unable to complete operation (system is MODAL)
An attempt to perform an illegal action in a program that has already opened a MODAL window or is processing a modal event.
Unable to create control (system is MODAL)
An attempt to CREATE a control in a program that has already opened a MODAL window or is processing a modal event.
Unable to open APPLICATION (APPLICATION already active)
An attempt to OPEN an APPLICATION in a program that has already opened an MDI application frame window.
Unable to open APPLICATION (system is MODAL)
An attempt to OPEN an APPLICATION in a program that has already opened a MODAL window or is processing a modal event.
Unable to open APPLICATION
A failed attempt to OPEN an APPLICATION.
Unable to open MDI window (No APPLICATION active)
An attempt to OPEN an MDI WINDOW in a program that has not yet opened an MDI APPLICATION frame window.
Unable to open MDI window (system is MODAL)
An attempt to OPEN an MDI WINDOW in a program that has already opened a MODAL window or is processing a modal event.
Unable to open MDI window on APPLICATION's thread
An attempt to OPEN an MDI WINDOW in the same execution thread as the MDI APPLICATION frame window.
Unable to open MDI WINDOW
A failed attempt to OPEN an MDI WINDOW.
Unable to open WINDOW
A failed attempt to OPEN a WINDOW.
Unable to process ACCEPT (system is MODAL)
An attempt to perform an illegal action in a program that has already opened a MODAL window or is processing a modal event.
Unexpected error opening printer device
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to open a printer.
Window is already open
An attempt to OPEN a WINDOW that is already open.
Window is not open
An attempt has been made to perform some action that requires a window be opened first. Usually a property assignment statement.
Indicates that the operating system has failed when asking for more memory. This probably indicates that you have a screen or report structure too complex to generate. Also, ensure that you do not have Clarion set run in its own memory space. The operating system may then limit allocated virtual memory.