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The Graph Control template is the definitive tool that is designed to solve nearly all of your business graphing needs.
A drop list divides the template prompts into five (5) distinct categories:
General Initial values Data Sources Display Options Classes
Refresh Automatically
Check this box to direct the templates to generate the appropriate graph refresh each time the window is refreshed, or in reports, each time a record is read. You can also control the refresh of the graph with the appropriate Graph Refresh Button or Code template.
Accessibility determines how much access or control you want to give to the user to control the graphing display. Select from the following choices.
Popup Menu
Check this box to create a popup menu that allows the user to control various elements of the graph display. This popup is available when the user RIGHT-CLICKS over the graph control. These elements are controlled in the Display options area.
Check this box to allow a tool tip to be displayed when the user moves the mouse over the graph control. The amount of information displayed is controlled in the Display options area.
Drill Down
Check this box to allow the user to DOUBLE-CLICK on a graph control to generate a call to the template's DRILLDOWN procedure. Normally, you use this to generate an additional graph based on values extracted from the area of the graph control that was clicked on.
Additional settings and design information of the Drill Down technique is located in the Display options View selection.
Initial Values
This area of the Graph Control sets the initial display state of the graph when first loaded and viewed by the user. Keep in mind that these values are only applied when the graph control is active and displayed for the first time. The Graph Control template provides additional user control of a graph's style, type, scale, etc. at runtime.
The following options are provided:
tplgraphcontrolpromptsinitotherzoomtplgraphcontrolpromptsinitnodetplgraph init axis generaltplgraph init legendtplgraph init title
Graph Tab Options
Graph Type
Select an initial graph type to display. For a quick look at the different graph types supported, click here.
Graph subtype
This drop list is available for accumulator graph types (Bar and Column). Choose from simple, which displays bars and cylinders of variable length, or normalized, which makes all bars and columns equal height, and normalizes each node value accordingly.
Graph figure
Select the type of lines drawn for the Graph Type selected will be a bar (rectangular) or cylinder (circular)
Select Yes from the drop list if you wish to enable a three-dimensional graph effect when the control is first loaded.
Auto Swap Axis
Select Yes from the drop list if you wish to move the axis label when switching from bar to column graph types. If you select No, the axis labels will remain fixed as the axis points shift between these graph types.
Title Tab Options
The title simply refers to a textual string that displays at the top of the graph control.
Select Yes from the drop list if you wish to display a title when the graph control is first loaded.
Properties ' Title Text
Enter a string to display as the graph title. You can also press the ellipsis button to select a variable's contents to use for the graph title. Make sure to place an explanation point in front of the variable name (i.e., !LOC:Title). Press the F button to set an initial font and style for the graph title.
Legend Tab Options
This option controls a graph's guide or key that helps the user understand what they are looking at.
From the drop list, select the location that the legend will appear in relation to the graph. If you do not wish to display a legend, select None from the drop list.
Select Yes from the drop list if you want to surround the legend with a box.
Axis Tab Options
The Axis tab specifies the line drawing and appearance of the X and Y axis of the graph control displayed.
The template prompts on this tab apply to attributes shared by both the X and Y axis.
Axis styles
Axis styles define the lines and types of measurement intervals that you can display around the graph type selected. Select None if you do not wish to display any X and Y-axis lines. Select Standard to display the X and Y-axis with a maximum of measurement interval (tick marks) for accurate graph reading. Select Long to display the X and Y-axis with a minimum of measurement intervals for reading the graph.
You can define a name to use for both the X and Y-axis in their respective tab controls. This prompt gives you the ability to disable both of them when the graph is initially loaded. The user can use the popup menu feature (if enabled) to allow the axis names to be displayed when needed. Select Yes to display any defined axis names when the graph control is initially loaded. Select No to hide the names when the graph control is initially loaded.
Grid lines are dotted lines that are overlaid on top of the graph control. You have the option in the respective X-Axis and Y-Axis tab controls to enable them. In this prompt, select No to disable all grid lines when the graph is first loaded, or select Yes to display any grid lines that are enabled in the X-Axis and Y-Axis tab controls
Scale Style
Select Linear from the drop list to specify equal increments of scaling to use in your graph control based on the highest maximum data point value. Select MS-Word to define a scaling technique used by MS-Word that rounds off axis values. This type of scaling should be used when a maximum value can cause linear scaling to give a skewed or distorted graph presentation.
Scale min/max
Select Yes to activate graph scaling based on minimum and maximum data point values. The graph minimum scale will be based on the lowest data point value (i.e., instead of zero). This technique is useful for an optimum graph display when all data point values fall within a relative contiguous range.
X-Axis (Horizontal Properties)
This tab control provides the initial values for X-Axis properties. Keep in mind that many of the following settings are enabled or disabled by the General sub tab discussed above:
X-Axis Label
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable to use as the X-Axis Label. This label is displayed on the graph control's x-axis.
Format of values
Press the ellipsis button to build a picture using the Edit Picture String dialog, or manually enter a valid picture that will be used to format the numeric elements displayed on this axis.
Enter a string value, or press the ellipsis button to select a variable to use as the description of this axis. Press the F button to specify a special font and font size to use. The description is used on the tool tips or target controls that are activated when the mouse moves over the axis label area.
Grid lines are dotted lines that are overlaid on top of the graph control. In this prompt, select No to disable all vertical grid lines when the graph is first loaded, or select Yes to display any vertical grid lines.
Press the ellipsis button to select a color to use for the X-Axis line.
Enter a thickness in dialog units to use for the X-Axis line.
Scale interval
Enter a numeric value to designate the “hash mark” intervals that will be displayed on the X-Axis.
Y-Axis (Vertical Properties)
This tab control provides the initial values for Y-Axis properties. Keep in mind that many of the following settings can be enabled or disabled by the General sub tab discussed above:
Y-Axis Label
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable to use as the Y-Axis Label. This label is displayed on the graph control's y-axis.
Format of values
Press the ellipsis button to build a picture using the Edit Picture String dialog, or manually enter a valid picture that will be used to format the numeric elements displayed on this axis.
Enter a string value, or press the ellipsis button to select a variable to use as the description of this axis. Press the F button to specify a special font and font size to use. The description is used on the tool tips or target controls that are activated when the mouse moves over the axis label area.
Grid lines are dotted lines that are overlaid on top of the graph control. In this prompt, select No to disable all horizontal grid lines when the graph is first loaded, or select Yes to display any horizontal grid lines.
Grid lines are also dependent on the graph type. For example, if you are using a bar graph style with a certain thickness, the grid lines may be hidden.
Press the ellipsis button to select a color to use for the Y-Axis line.
Enter a thickness in dialog units to use for the Y-Axis line.
Scale interval
Enter a numeric value to designate the “hash mark” intervals that will be displayed on the X-Axis.
If your data points are grouped together, this option specifies whether to group by Name type (the data points of the graph are alphanumeric) or by ID (the data point of the graph should be numerically sorted).
For example, if a data point is a string type containing numeric data, selecting Name will sort the data like this:
1, 101, 1001, 20, 203, 2033
where an ID sort will sort the values above as follows:
1, 20, 101, 203, 1001, 2033
Sequence of Sorting
Specify that the Initial Value Sort Grouping selected above will be in Ascending or Descending sequence.
Node Tab Options
Essentially, a graph's architecture is composed of a finite set of dots called nodes, connected by links called edges. This section focuses on the node parameters of your graph.
dependent on the graph type used, nodes determine how a graph is rendered, and identifies key data element values used to construct the graph.
Node type
Select how a node will be represented. Choose Triangle, Square, or Circle from the drop list. If you wish to hide the nodes in your graph, select None.
Node radius
Enter a numeric value manually or by spin control that will determine the size of a radius of a node point in dialog units. If omitted, the default size is 3.
Select Yes if you wish to identify Maximum and Minimum node values in your graph. These special nodes will appear slightly larger than the other nodes.
Text of node
Each of your graph node points can have an assortment of values assigned to them.
Show Label on Nodes
Select Yes if you would like the data point labels to be displayed at each node point.
The Graph type you select will control whether or not a Node label can be displayed. For example, a bar graph can hide a node label, where a line graph will not.
Show Value on Nodes
Select Yes if you would like the data point values to be displayed at each node point.
Select Yes if you would like the label and/or value to display its background color defined. If you would like these text fields to have a transparent background, select No.
Best position
Select Yes if you would like the template to calculate the best position for your node label or value. If you select No, the node label or value will always appear to the upper right of the node point, and some values may be clipped from the graph's display.
Other tab options
Select the initial zoom setting when the graph control is first displayed. The Auto setting will zoom to a “best fit” sizing.
Select Yes from the drop list to automatically display tool tips when the graph control is first displayed.
Best Position
Select Yes from the drop list to allow the tool tips to “float” as you drag your mouse near the edge of the graph control. Select No if you want the tool tip display to be cropped or truncated as you move the mouse to the edge of the graph control.
Indents for drawing
The Indent tab sets margins from the edge of the graph control where the graph data will be written. Values are in dialog units. Use the spin controls to set the margins for Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.
The Graph control template has powerful built-in support for printing your graphs. The following initial settings are available.
Print Options
Select Yes to call the Print Preview window prior to printing your Graph control.
Select Portrait, Landscape, or As on Printer (printer default) from the drop list to designate how the graph control will be printed on your paper.
Indents from edges of a paper (mm)
Specify the non-printable area of your printed output by setting the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right indents in millimeters.
Select Yes if you would like to print a box (border) around the printed graph control.
Print Best Fit Options
Horizontal alignment
The Best Fit option calculates the best size that the graph can be rendered to the print engine based on the selected paper size. In addition, the graph template will position your best fit output, based on Left, Center, or Right horizontal alignment.
Vertical alignment
Position your best fit output, based on Top, Bottom, or Center vertical alignment.
Select Tiled, Stretched, or Centered from the drop list to display a graphic image wallpaper style when the graph control is first displayed. Press the ellipsis button to select a valid graphic image.
Save As
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable that will hold the name of a Windows Meta File (*.WMF) that will store the graph control's contents. This file is written when the user selects “Save” from the popup menu. You can also enter a string filename (Example: 'mygraph.wmf')
Data sources
Data sources identify the source of the values that are plotted for the graph control. The prompts that follow are the heart of this powerful template. Multiple sources are possible. Press the Insert button to add a new data source, Properties to examine an existing data source, or Delete to remove a data source.
The following template prompts are provided:
Data Source tab options
Source Name
Enter a meaningful description that will uniquely identify the data source. You can enter up to 255 characters.
Select File if the data values used for the Graph Control will be extracted from a data table. Select Queue if the data points will be extracted from a global or locally defined QUEUE.
Data From File
The following prompts will be available when you select File as the Data Source.
This section simply controls how the file will be processed. As the file is processed, there will be field values in the records that are read that will be used as the Points used for the graph control.
Key to Use
Press the ellipsis button to select an optional key that will be used to process the file in a specific sequence.
Record Filter
Type a valid Clarion expression to limit the contents of the processed data source to only those records causing the expression to evaluate to true (nonzero or non-blank).
Range Limit Field
In conjunction with the Range Limit Type, specifies a record or group of records for inclusion in the list. Choose a field by pressing the ellipsis (…) button. The range limit is key-dependent. Range Limits are generally much faster than filters.
Range Limit Type
Specifies the type of range limit to apply. Choose one of the following from the drop-down list.
Current Value
Limits the key to the current value of the Range Limit Field.
Single Value
Lets you limit the key to a single value. Specify the variable containing that value in the Range Limit Value box which appears.
Range of Values
Lets you specify upper and lower limits. Specify the variables containing the limits in the Low Limit and High Limit boxes.
File Relationship
Lets you choose a Range Limiting File from a 1:MANY relationship. This limits the list to display only those child records matching the current record in the parent file. For example, if your list was a list of Orders, you could limit the display to only those orders for the current Customer (in the Customer file).
SQL Filter
When the active data source is using an SQL Accelerator driver, SQL Accelerator Drivers convert standard Clarion file I/O statements and function calls into optimized SQL statements, which they send to their backend SQL servers for processing. If you would like to filter an SQL table using SQL statements, press the ellipsis button to select a variable that will hold the SQL statement.
You can also manually enter an SQL filter expression into this prompt.
Additional Sort Fields
The purpose of this group is to add additional sort fields to the default sequence that the data source is processed. This sequence is applied to the data source's default sort behavior. If no default sort is specified (no key), the additional sort fields' dialog sets the primary sort.
Press the appropriate update buttons to add, change or remove a sort field. On the Field prompt, press the ellipsis button to select a field name from the Select Column dialog. In the Sequence drop list, select Ascending or Descending to designate the sort fields' sort sequence.
Data From Queue
The following prompts will be available when you select Queue as the Data Source.
Queue Name
Press the ellipsis button to select a valid Queue label from the Select Column dialog. At press time, an exclamation point is automatically prepended to the name that you select.
Sort Fields
Sort Fields designate the order that the queue will be read by the data source. This improves the internal processing of the graph's data points. Press the appropriate update button to add, change or remove a queue's sort field. On the subsequent Sort dialog, add each Sort field by pressing the ellipsis, then select Ascending or Descending from the Sequence drop list.
Record Filter
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable to use in a filter expression for the processed queue. This is usually a Boolean (True/False) condition used to reject certain queue records. You can also manually enter a filter expression in this field.
Points tab options
Each point that you create in this section becomes a reference point, or node, for your graph control. How these points are displayed depend on a number of factors, including graph type, initial settings, etc. It is important to establish your data source first before attempting to set any data points.
Series Name
Enter a descriptive name for your point “series”. A series represents a collection of data values read from a file (table) or queue and consolidated to a single graph result. This description is used on the graph's legend and node to describe this data point.
“Series Name” is synonymous with “Diagram Name”.
The Fill button controls how each data series is displayed. This display is dependent on many factors, including graph type (bar, line, etc.) and initial settings. The following prompts are provided:
Currently, Solid is the only fill style that you can select.
This refers to the color type. You can specify a Fixed , Variable, or a Default color type. Default generates a specific color determined internally by the internal class methods referenced by the templates.
If you have selected a Fixed color type, press the ellipsis to select a color from the Color dialog. If you have selected a Variable color type, press the ellipsis to select a variable that will store a valid color equate.
Grouping of point
Grouping of point designates that the active point will be displayed together with other points that name the same group. Select Yes to group this data point. Select No if this data point will be separate and distinct from other data points.
Select No here if your graph type will be a linear type (line graph scatter graph, etc.). Grouping of points are best used with Bar and Column graph types.
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable name that this data point will associate with. Different data points that you need to group together should have the same variable value (i.e., job hours grouped by department name ' select !DEP:name here.)
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable name that this data point will be associated with. The contents of this variable will be displayed along with the data point (node) on the graph control. Your graph type selected and Initial settings may dictate how this value is displayed.
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable name that this data point will be distinctly associated with. This prompt is only enabled when Grouping is set to No.
Record Action
Select from the drop list how each record read (set by the Data Source parameters) will be processed into the data point.
If you would like every data value read to be displayed separately on your graph control, select Graph from the drop list.
If you would like every value read by the data source to be counted together into a data point, select Count from the drop list.
If you need a summation (addition) of every value read by the data source, select Sum from the drop list.
If you would like every value read by the data source to be averaged together into a single data point, select Average from the drop list.
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable that will be used to determine this data point(or node) value. For example, !EMP:WorkingHours will display the employee's working hours in the form of whatever Record Action that is selected above.
Make sure that your Field selected is a numeric data type.
Point Filter
Enter an optional expression here that can be used to filter the data point. This is similar to a detail filter on a report procedure. The Data Source tab control can set initial filtering as necessary, and the individual data point can be processed further here.
Field name
Press the ellipsis button to select a variable that will identify this point (or node) on the graph control. For example, !DEP:Name will display each department's name at the node position. Node values can be displayed by tool tip, or statically displayed on the graph through an appropriate control.
Breaks are essential for all types of Record Action, with the exception of the Graph action (which is essentially no action). A break is used to generate different data point nodes anytime the break value changes.
Use a break to stop a Sum, Count, or Average, and start a new one. For example, if I needed to tally the hours worked for each department on a particular project, I would add the EMPJ:DepartmentId field as a Break Field.
Use the appropriate update buttons to add, change, or remove a break field variable. On the Break Fields dialog, press the ellipsis to select a break field for the Field prompt.
Hot Fields tab options
This tab control is only available when the Data Source selected is from a File (Table).
Press the appropriate buttons to add, change and remove Hot Fields. On the subsequent Hot Fields dialog, press the ellipsis button to select a variable to use in the Field prompt. Optionally check the BIND Only check box if the variable you select is not part of a Table that has the BINDABLE attribute set from the data dictionary.
Any variable used in an expression to calculate the break points of a Sum, Count, or Average Record Action must be identified here as a Hot Field.
Display options
The Display options View selection provides the necessary prompts to control how much user control you need to provide for the Graph control. In addition, this area allows you to extend the functionality of your Graph Control by extending Drill Down capabilities and enhancing static display elements of your graph (e.g., display items that can not be modified by the user).
The following template prompts are provided:
PopUp Menu tab options
The PopUp tab control contains settings for a very powerful option that provides your users with a popup menu of graph options at runtime. With the number of popup options available, the user can change nearly every aspect of the Graph control. The best news of all is that it is very easy to implement.
To enable the options shown on the Popup tab control, make sure to check the PopUp Menu check box found in the Accessibility options of the General View.
The popup selections in the General tab are menu items that the user will first see when right-clicking over the graph control. Popup Items marked in bold provide access to sub menu options, shown on other tab controls here if the target check box is checked.
For an additional description of each menu option shown here, please refer to the General and Initial Values View options.
Graph Type
The menu options displayed here are only available if the Graph Type' check box is checked on the General tab.
At press time, there are 11 different graph types that are available in the Graph Control. Care should be taken to give your user only those graph types that will provide a meaningful display of the data elements you have specified.
The menu options displayed here are only available if the Legend' check box is checked on the General tab.
Legend options are described in detail in the Initial Settings View selection. On this tab, you select what legend option you would like to make available on the popup menu.
The menu options displayed here are only available if the Axis' check box is checked on the General tab.
Axis options are described in detail in the Initial Settings View selection.
The menu options displayed here are only available if the Node' check box is checked on the General tab.
Check which type(s) of nodes will support a popup menu.
Node options are described in detail in the Initial Settings View selection.
Drill Down tab options
To enable the options shown on the Drill Down tab control, make sure to check the Drill Down check box found in the Accessibility options located in the General View.
Drill Down
When a Drill Down is active (e.g., the user has double-clicked on the graph control), check this box to identify the graph control that you are opening (e.g., drilling down to), and any other controls that you need to hide and unhide (controls that are applicable to the new graph control can be unhidden, and controls that were applicable to the original graph control can be hidden).
When the Drill Down tab control is active, check this box to identify the graph control that you are returning to from the drill down, and any other controls that you need to hide and unhide (controls that are applicable to the new graph control can be hidden, and controls that were applicable to the original graph control can be unhidden).
Use the Drill Down option in your initial, or parent graph control to target the drill down control. Use the Return option in the drill down, or child graph control to target the controlto return to.
Controls to Hide/Unhide
Press the appropriate button to display update buttons to add, change, or remove, selected controls that will be automatically hidden or unhidden for the original graph control or the graph you are drilling down to. Select a Field Equate Label from the drop list.
Source Code support
The DrillDown feature of the Graph control is supported by a variety of properties and methods located in the GraphClass object.
For more information regarding the DrillDown method used to link graph controls, see the DrillDown method located in the ABC GraphClass.
Show tab options
The Show tab control completes your graph control design by designating optional Mouse, Diagram, and Node values and properties.
Select from the following options:
Mouse Sub-tab
The Mouse sub tab activates Mouse X and Y coordinates, and an optional label:
To show coordinates of the mouse as “Mouse:..”
The following options use a label with the X and Y coordinates:
on Tooltip
Check this box to display this information on the graph controls tool tip (Note: you need to have tool tips active in the General View settings.
on Window title
Check this box to display this information on the window title of the graph control.
on the control
Check this box to display this information on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar
Check this box to display this information on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
To show coordinates of the mouse:
The following options allow for finer display control of the X and Y coordinates:
on the control for coordinate X
Check this box to display the graph control's mouse X coordinate on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on the control for coordinate Y
Check this box to display the graph control's mouse Y coordinate on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar for coordinate X
Check this box to display the graph control's mouse X coordinate on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
on a zone of Status Bar for coordinate Y
Check this box to display the graph control's mouse X coordinate on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
Diagram Sub-tab
The Diagram sub tab displays the name or value of the series point (node) region that the mouse has entered. This is a default value. You can modify this default name value by entering the appropriate source in the DiagramNameText method of the graph object. You can modify this default node value by entering the appropriate source in the DiagramName method of the graph object.
To show the name of diagram as “Diagram:'“
The following options use a label with the diagram name (the Name value designated in the Points option) in the following designated locations:
on Tooltip
Check this box to display the diagram information on the graph controls tool tip (Note: you need to have tool tips active in the General View settings.
on Window title
Check this box to display the diagram information on the window title of the graph control.
on the control
Check this box to display the diagram information on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar
Check this box to display the diagram information on the window's status bar zone designated by the spin control.
To show the value of diagram
Diagram value refers to the text value of a target data point region that the mouse has moved in to.
on the control
Check this box to display the diagram value on a target control that you select from the drop list. Make sure that you select a control that displays a numeric data type
on a zone of Status Bar
Check this box to display the diagram value on the window's status bar zone designated by the spin control.
Node Name Sub-tab
The Node name refers to the Field Name specified in the Points tab control.
A node name and value will be displayed when the mouse is resting on top of the node area.
To show the name of node as “Node:'“
Example: “Node: Accounting” (DEP:Name is the value of Field Name)
on Tooltip
Check this box to display the node name information on the graph controls tool tip (Note: you need to have tool tips active in the General View settings.
on Window title
Check this box to display the node name information on the window title of the graph control.
on the control
Check this box to display the node name information on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar
Check this box to display the node name information on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
To show the name of node:
Example: “Accounting” (DEP:Name is the value of Field Name)
on the control
Check this box to display the node name information on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar
Check this box to display the node name information on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
Node Value Sub-tab
The Node Value is simply a calculated graph point expressed in (X ,Y) format
To show the value of node as “Node:
on Tooltip
Check this box to display the node value information on the graph controls tool tip (Note: you need to have tool tips active in the General View settings.
on Window title
Check this box to display the node value information on the window title of the graph control.
on the control
Check this box to display the node value information on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar
Check this box to display the node value information on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
To show the value of node:
on the control for coordinate X
Check this box to display the graph control's X node value on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on the control for coordinate Y
Check this box to display the graph control's Y node value on a target control that you select from the drop list.
on a zone of Status Bar for coordinate X
Check this box to display the graph control's X node value on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
on a zone of Status Bar for coordinate Y
Check this box to display the graph control's Y node value on the window's status bar in the zone designated by the spin control.
Many of the ABC Procedure, Control and Extension templates provide a Classes tab or dialog. These local Classes tabs let you control the classes (and objects) your procedure uses to accomplish the template's task'that is, they override the global class settings specified in the Global Properties dialog. You may accept the default Application Builder Class specified in the Global Properties dialog (recommended), or you may specify your own or a third party class to override the default setting. Deriving your own class can give you very fine control over the procedure when the standard Application Builder Class is not precisely what you need.
See Also: Classes Tab