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The new Graph Control template offers a wide variety of powerful features and template based options.

This topic is designed to give you a step-by-step look at developing a graph control in your windows and reports, with a brief explanation of the terminology used in the Clarion Graph Control template.

Design Steps Checklist

1.Make sure that SVGraph templates are registered. Check your Template Registry to confirm this.

2.Add the SVGraph Global Extension to the Global section of your target application.

3.Populate the target window or report with the graph control. The Graph control template should be in the list of control templates available to populate.

4.Determine which view of the graph you want to see and what features it should have.

Look at the sample graph types and parts of a graph topics to help you decide.

5.Fine-tune your graph's accessory options. To do this, start with the General View of the Graph Control template.

If you want to provide a popup menu for your users, check the “PopUp menu” checkbox.

If you want to provide Tool Tips on your graph, check the “ToolTip” checkbox.

If you want to provide Drill Down support on your graph, check the “Drill Down” checkbox.

Of course, the options mentioned above do not apply to graphs populated on reports.

6.Change the View option to Initial values. Change any default parameters if necessary.

7.Change the View option to Display options. Change any default parameters if necessary.

8.Determine what data you want to display on the graph, and identify the source where the data will be extracted. Your options are File and Queue. If the data to be graphed is read from a file, then add the appropriate file in the Table Schematic window (You should see a “To Do” on the Graph Control item).

9.Prepare your data for display on the graph. To do this, Change the View option to Data source. Press the Insert button to add your data source.

Select the source of the data (File or Queue). Select an alternate key or filter criteria if necessary.

10.Navigate to the Points tab. Add the necessary amount of data series that you need, and adjust each series if necessary.


Each series will be displayed as a separate diagram (drawing) on the composite graph.

Press the OK button to save your data source and associated series points.

11.Compile and test, and repeat any of the above steps where necessary.

Of course, the above steps do not cover all of the options and features available, but is designed to help you get started. Refer to the shipping graph example and on line help for more information.

Simple X-Y Graphing

Here is an easy (or intuitive) way to plot simple x versus y graphs.

Given the following data:

x values of PRE:x_value,

y values of PRE:y_value,

Node text values of PRE:label,

Create a graph control, with data from any source (queue or file)

Go to Extensions > Graph Control > View:Data Sources

Insert (add) a data source

Go to Points Tab, select Insert. Give the series a name, no grouping, etc,

Given the assumption of values for x, y, and labels, the important prompts are:

Record Action:

Select: Graph


Enter: !PRE:x_value


Enter !PRE:y_value

Field Name:

Enter: !PRE:label

getting_started_with_the_graph_control_template.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by