Opens the New dialog, which lets you create a new dictionary, application, solution, project, or other file type. Select from a New >File, which calls the New File dialog, or New > Solution, Project or Application,which calls the New Project dialog.
Open File
Allows you to open a file (Dictionary, Appplication, Source, etc.). If the file is a dictionary (*.DCT) it will open the Dictionary Editor, if the file is a source file (*.CLW, *.CLN) it will open the Text Editor, and if the file is an application (*.APP) it will open the Application Editor (provided that an application is not already opened).
Open Project or Application
Use this option for cwproj projects or application files. This will allow the application to be compiled if needed. This option looks for all known project formats that you have installed, and will load them appropriately.If a solution is already opened, additional options are presented to allow merging of the project or application to the current active solution, or open it as a brand new solution. “Ignore” means to not open the application or project (equivalent to cancelling the open)
Open File using Redirection File
You can also open any file using the current active IDE redirection file. (Open > Open File using Redirection File). Enter the name of the target file, and all redirection paths will be searched in an attempt to locate the file.
Closes the active file or solution.
Reload File
Allows you to reload an active project file. This may be useful if you have modified the target file outside of the IDE, and need to refresh it.
Saves the active file.
Save As
Saves the active file under a new name which you specify.
Save All
Saves all the active files.
Prints the active document.
Print Preview
Calls the Print Preview dialog. From here, you can review a file's contents before printing.
Recent Files
Displays a list of recent files accessed by the IDE.
Recent Solutions
Displays a filtered list of recent solutions accessed by the IDE.
Places a copy of the selected text from the document into the clipboard.
Pastes text from the clipboard into the active document, at the insertion point.
Deletes the selected text from the document and does not place it in the clipboard.
Insert Color
Adds a color equate to the active document.
Insert new GUID
Adds a new Globally Unique Identifier to the active document
Remove Leading Ws
Remove all leading white spaces up to and including a new line
Remove Trailing Ws
Remove all trailing white spaces up to and including a new line
To Upper Case
Converts selected text to upper case
To Lower Case
Converts selected text to lower case
Converts selected text to upper case only the first letter of each word selected.
Sort Lines
Opens a dialog that allows you to resort all selected lines in alphabetical acending or descending order. You also have the option to Remove Duplicate Lines, make the sort Case Sensitive, and Ignore any trailing whitespaces encountered.
Tabs to Spaces
Converts any tab characters in the selection to spaces.
Spaces To Tabs
Converts any space characters in the selection to tabs.
Leading Tabs To Spaces
Converts any leading tab characters in the selection to spaces.
Leading Spaces to Tabs
Converts any leading space characters in the selection to tabs.
Comment region
Comments all lines from a selected region.
Uncomment region
Removes comments from all lines in a selected region
Indents the selected text based on the editor's setup options.
Folding is a mechanism that allows regions of text to be hidden, often replaced by a summary line of some sort.
Toggle Fold
Toggle selected fold between the full text or text summary.
Toggle All Folds
Toggle all folds between the full text or text summary.
Show definitions only
Select this option to only fold all classes and prototypes. Select the Toggle All Folds option to cancel this action.
Select All
Selects all text in the active document.
Enable Code Completion
Toggles the use of Code Completion in the active source document. See the Code Completion topic for more information.
Word Count
Displays a word count of the active document.
Structure Designer
Opens the Structure Designer tool, allowing you to create both WINDOW and REPORT structures.
View Menu
The View Menu can be used to display a wide variety of viewers (or “scouts” as #Develop likes to call them). These viewers provide a variety of information that is pertinent to your current project or solution. Select from one of the following options.
Solution Explorer
Opens the Solution Explorer window, which displays all pertinent files related to the target solution. This includes source, drivers, and other resources.
Displays all class structures references by the current active project or solution.
Displays a variety of read only lists, which can be used to drag and drop values into any valid target (i.e., source files)
Displays an error list that contains any errors or warnings generated from the last active build
Task List
Displays a list of special comments inserted into source that define a list of tasks specified by the developer. See Tools > Options for additional information.
Displays the output of the last built project or solution. This window is displayed automatically when any project or solution is built.
Displays a list of properties associated with the active source file. Sidebar help is displayed below based on a selected property.
Data Sources
Displays a hierarchal tree of files, queues, groups and other structures detected in the current active project. This pad is used to quickly populate components in windows and reports.
Document Outline
Currently not used in the Clarion IDE
Control Templates
Provides a list of all control templates in the active template set. When an application window or report is active, you can drag a control template in the list and populate it on the window.
Data / Tables
Displays a list of all active data components in the active dictionary and application.
Provides a view of all opened applications in the IDE
Tab Order Assistant
Displays all controls in an active window or report. Its purpose is to allow easy changes to any control's TabIndex, Name and Text properties.
The Tools menu item displays a submenu of Viewers or other windows (Panes) that were added to the basic IDE.
Debugger Windows
Refers to the Clarion.NET Debugger. You have a variety of Views to choose from.(Not applicable to Clarion Win32)
Data Dictionary
Accesses all Dictionary related Views and Pads. Currently, the only applicable pad is the Dictionary Changes Pad, which displays conversion results from earlier Clarion versions.
Show start page
Opens the IDE Start Page, which lists recent solutions, a change log of the current build, an authors credit list, and a call for contributions from developers. Also the first button to the left of the toolbar.
Switches to a full screen mode, removing all toolbars.
Project Menu
The Project Menu offers a variety of options that allows you to build, run, modify and configure the current active project. This menu is only visible when a project is selected.
Although the IDE allows for different target outputs (C#, Boo, VB, etc.) Clarion Win32 is optimized for the Clarion language. Select from the following options:
Add > New Item
Add a new MEMBER or PROGRAM file to the active project.
Add > Existing Item
Add an existing file to the project. This can be any valid resource that is detected or needed by the project.
Add > File Driver
Add a file driver library to the project.. The File Driver dialog is displayed.
Add > Library, Object, Resource, Manifest
Add an existing component to the project. This can be any valid resource that is detected or needed by the project.
Add > Referenced Projects
Add an additional project reference to your existing project. The IDE looks for valid project file extensions.
Run Project
Runs the active project, if applicable. Target must be an executable.
Debug Project
Runs the active project in Debug mode, if applicable. Target must be an executable. Invokes the Clarion Win32 Debugger.
Set as StartUp Project
Sets the project as the one the IDE will execute when you click the Run button. Your solution may have more then one executable target project.
The Build Menu acts on the current project or solution and creates the output designated from the project settings. Select from the following:
All application Generation options must be executed from the Application Tree!
Generate and Make Current Application
Generates source, compiles and builds the current application.
Generate and Make (using Applications Pad Settings)
Generates source, compiles and builds the current solution based on the settings in the Applications Pad.
Build Solution
Builds the active solution. The Build Solution option compiles only those project files and components that have changed since the last build.
Rebuild Solution
The Rebuild Solution option builds all project files and components irrespective of the changes made to them.
Clean Solution
Deletes all files from the target project folders. This action uses an XML based FileList that was generated by the first Build activity. If you attempt to clean a solution that has never been built, you will receive a project warning that it could not be cleaned.
Set Configuration
Choose Debug or Release Mode. See the Project Options window for more information.If an Application has Debug Mode = Off, the Solution will be created with the Configuration selected to Release, any other value will use Debug. If there are more than one application in the solution, the setting will be taken from the FIRST application added to the solution.
Set Clarion Version
Specify which version will be used for compiling and linking the active project. The (default) is based on the current redirection path, or specify a specific version to use. See Multiple Version Support for more information.
Edit Configurations/Platforms
Calls the Configuration Editor. This feature is not implemented yet.
Debug Menu
All application Generation options must be executed from the Application Tree!
Make and Run All
Generates source, compiles and build the active solution, and runs without the Clarion Win32 Debugger.
Make and Debug All
Generates source, compiles and build the active solution, and runs with the Clarion Win32 Debugger.
Start Debugging
Runs the active solution in the Clarion Win32 Debugger.
Start without debugging
Runs the active solution from the IDE without the Clarion Win32 Debugger.
Attach to Process
Not applicable with Clarion Win32. Selecting this item will produce no results. The IDE, being based on .NET, can always attach to a .NET process, even in Clarion Win32 without the Clarion.NET/Clarion# support., so currently this menu item cannot be removed or disabled.
Stop Process
Not applicable with Clarion Win32.
Not applicable with Clarion Win32.
Toggle Breakpoint
Not applicable with Clarion Win32.
Search Menu
Opens the Find dialog in the Search and Replace window
Find Next
Opens the Search and Replace window where the active search continues.
Find Next Selected
Searches a target string in the selected text of the active document.
Opens the Replace dialog in the Search and Replace window
Incremental Search
You can search an individual document or window incrementally by entering a search string character by character, then observing the matches found as the search string lengthens. First you enter incremental search mode, then type in the search text. As you type in each character the document is searched from the current cursor position and the first match it finds is highlighted.
Reverse Incremental Search
The reverse incremental search will search from the current cursor position to the start of the document.
Toggle Bookmark
Toggles bookmark on selected line of active document
Prev Bookmark
Selects previous bookmark in active document.
Next Bookmark
Selects next bookmark in active document.
Clear All Bookmarks
Clears all bookmarks in active document.
Go To Line Number
Opens the Go to dialog, which allows you to jump to a line number, class name, or file name in the active document.
Go To Matching Brace
Jumps to the matching brace of highlighted starting brace in the current active document.
Tools Menu
<;custom utilities>
Displays a variable list of custom programs that are added to the External Tools section. See Tools > Options> Tools
AddIn Manager
Opens the AddIn Manager, which allows you to add additional IDE add-in tools.
AddIn Scout
Opens the AddIn Scout, which provides additional detailed viewing options for all add-ins installed.
Component Inspector
Explore and search classes and types from any .NET assembly or COM component.
Regular Expressions ToolKit
Opens the Regular Expressions ToolKit (not applicable to Clarion Win32)
Edit Template Registry
Opens the Application Generator's Template Registry. Register and Maintain your Registry here.
Edit Template Registry using alternate RED file
You can now edit the template registry when you have a local redirection (.RED) file that redirects the location of the template registry (.TRF) file to a different location than the standard .RED file.
Browse Table
Opens the Database Browser utility, that allows you to view and edit any IDE registered table
Edit Base Redirection File
Loads the Redirection File in a document window, ready for editing.C7 and C6 Red Files