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Navigation:  Project System >====== New Project File Dialog ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

This dialog allows you to create a new project file (.CWPROJ for Win32, .CNPROJ for Clarion.NET) and solution file (*.SLN).

Categories Select a valid category. For Win32 projects, select Clarion for Windows. For Clarion.NET, you have three sub categories to create desktop (Window Applications), web based (ASP.NET), or Mobile (Compact Framework) projects.
Quick Starts Specify the type of project that you wish to create. In Clarion for Windows, the Quick Starts available are hand coded DLL, EXE, or Library projects, or ApplicationsClarion.Net choices are more diverse, depending on the sub-category you have selected.
Name Type in a project name which displays at the top of the Tree List in the Project View.
Location Type in (or select with the Browse for Folder dialog after pressing the ellipsis button) the location where the project will be created.
Create directory for Sources Check this box to specify a subdirectory with the project name that will be created at the Location you specified.
Auto create project subdir Check this box to autocreate a project folder that uses the project Name and Location specidfied. For example, if the name of the project is Orders and the Location is C:\Example, a sub-folder named Orders will be created in the Example folder.
icsharpcode_sharpdevelop_project_dialogs_newprojectdialog.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by