Navigation:  »No topics above this level«====== Template Language Reference ====== Return to chapter overview

C6H0069 Introduction

C6H0069 Template Organization

C6H0069 Defaults and Template Data

C6H0069 Programmer Input

C6H0069 Logic and Source Generation Control

C6H0070 Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous Statements

#! (template code comments)

#$ (embeditor comment)

#<; (aligned target language comments)

#ASSERT (evaluate assumption)

#CLASS (define a formula class)

#COMMENT (specify comment column)

#DEBUG (toggle debug generation)

#DEFINE (user defined macro)

#ERROR (display source generation error)

#EXPAND (expand a user defined macro)

#EXPORT (export symbol to text)

#HELP (specify template help file)

#INCLUDE (include a template file)

#IMPORT(import from text script)

#MESSAGE (display source generation message)

#PDEFINE (add #pragma to project)

#PROTOTYPE (procedure prototype)

#PROJECT (add file to project)

#TYPEMAP (map EQUATE to data type)

Built-in Template Procedures

CALL (call a #GROUP as a function)

EXTRACT (return attribute)

EXISTS (return embed point existence)

FILEEXISTS (return file existence)

FULLNAME (return file path)

INLIST (return item exists in list)

INSTANCE (return current instance number)

INVOKE (call a named #GROUP as a function)

ITEMS (return multi-valued symbol instances)

LINKNAME (return mangled procedure name)

QUOTE (replace string special characters)

REPLACE (replace attribute)

SEPARATOR (return attribute string delimiter position)

SLICE (return substring from string)

UNQUOTE (remove string special characters)

VAREXISTS (return symbol existence)

C6H0069 Template Symbols

C6H0069 Annotated Examples