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The BrowseQBE Control template, when used with an ADO data source, uses a default translation file (cFilterList.TRN) to translate an expression's display operators to the appropriate SQL statement for query.

Pragma Name

The default settings provided in the translation file will handle most SQL back ends, but there may be a situation where you need to override them (particularly with certain date and time columns). Select from _MSSQLDateTime_, _ORACLEDateTime_, or _PERVASIVEDateTime_ to fine tune the QBE List with the back end you are accessing.

The default translation group is shown as follows:

DefaultOpe      group

Number            ushort(22)


                 pstring('[COL] = [VAL]')


                 pstring('Not Equal')

                 pstring('[COL] <;> [VAL]')


                 pstring('Greater Than')

                 pstring('[COL] > [VAL]')


                 pstring('Not Greater Than')

                 pstring('[COL] <;= [VAL]')


                 pstring('Less Than')

                 pstring('[COL] <; [VAL]')


                 pstring('Not Less Than')

                 pstring('[COL] >= [VAL]')


                 pstring('Greater or Equal')

                 pstring('[COL] >= [VAL]')


                 pstring('Not Greater or Equal')

                 pstring('[COL] <; [VAL]')


                 pstring('Less or Equal')

                 pstring('[COL] <;= [VAL]')


                 pstring('Not Less or Equal')

                 pstring('[COL] > [VAL]')


                 pstring('Begins With')

                 pstring('MATCH([COL], [VAL]*)')


                 pstring('Not Begins With')

                 pstring('NOT MATCH([COL], [VAL]*)')


                 pstring('Ends With')

                 pstring('MATCH([COL], *[VAL])')


                 pstring('Not Ends With')

                 pstring('NOT MATCH([COL], *[VAL])')



                 pstring('MATCH([COL], *[VAL]*)')


                 pstring('Not Contains')

                 pstring('NOT MATCH([COL], *[VAL]*)')



                 pstring('INRANGE([COL], [V1], [V2])')


                 pstring('Not Between')

                 pstring('NOT INRANGE([COL], [V1], [V2])')



                 pstring('INLIST([COL], [MV]) <;> 0')


                 pstring('Not IN')

                 pstring('NOT (INLIST([COL], [MV]) <;> 0)')


                 pstring('Is Null')

                 pstring('NULL([COL]) = 1')


                 pstring('Not Null')

                 pstring('NULL([COL]) = 0')



The first PSTRING separated by each ULONG is the actually operator that is displayed in the BrowseQBE list control.

The second PSTRING is the actual string that will be added to the ADO query command.

The concept behind this extension template is to allow you to substitute another group for SQL back ends that require special syntax.

To create a custom group, use the COMPILE directive to identify it to the project system:


compile('*', _MYSQLDateTime_) ExceptionGrpSQL group Number            ushort(28)                  ulong(datatype:date)                  pstring('Equal')                  pstring('CONVERT(char(15), [COL], 111) = [PIC, @d10][VAL]') !26 other sub groups here                  ulong(datatype:time)                  pstring('Not IN')                  pstring('CONVERT(char(15), [COL], 108) NOT IN ([MV])')                end ExceptionSetEq      equate(1) *

To use this custom group in your BrowseQBE list controls, select the following from the Pragma Name drop list:


This will generate the proper project setting to link in your custom group.

tpladoglobalqcenter.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by