Navigation: Language Reference > 9 - Window and Report Attributes > Window and Report Attributes >====== RANGE (set range limits) ====== | |
RANGE | Specifies the valid range of data values the user may select in a SPIN control, or the range of values displayed in a PROGRESS control. |
lower | A numeric constant that specifies the lower inclusive limit of valid data (PROP:RangeLow, equivalent to {PROP:Range,1}). |
upper | A numeric constant that specifies the upper inclusive limit of valid data (PROP:RangeHigh, equivalent to {PROP:Range,2}). |
The RANGE attribute (PROP:RANGE) specifies the valid range of data values the user may select in a SPIN control. RANGE also defines the range of values that are displayed in a PROGRESS control.This attribute works in conjunction with the STEP attribute on SPIN controls. On a SPIN control, the STEP attribute provides the user with the valid choices within the range.
If no RANGE is set, and the FROM attribute is not used, PROP:RangeHigh returns “+Infinity”, and PROP:RangeLow returns “-Infinity”. When using the CREATE statement to create a SPIN control, these values are intentionally reversed, so that PROP:RangeHigh and PROP:RangeLow must be explicitly set.
PROP:RangeLow and PROP:RangeHigh are also applicable for LIST and COMBO controls with vertical scrollbars (Read Only). PROP:RangeLow returns the lower limit of possible PROP:VScrollPos values, and PROP:RangeHigh returns upper limit. The limits or boundaries mentioned in the description of PROP:VScrollPos are correct only if number of records in the list box source is less or equal to number of visible rows (i.e., for page loaded browses).
WinOne WINDOW,AT(0,0,160,400)
See Also: SPIN