Navigation: Language Reference > App C - PROP: Runtime Properties > Complete Property List >====== PROP:StatusFont ====== | |
A SYSTEM or WINDOW property that reads and writes the font settings for status bars. This property is used in conjunction with PROP:FontName, PROP:FontSize, PROP:FontColor, and PROP:FontStyle. The status bar uses the default character set (a value of the SYSTEM{PROP:CharSet}).
! Tahoma is set as a default status bar font
SYSTEM{PROP:FontName + PROP:StatusFont} = 'Tahoma'
! When this window is active, Tahoma 10 is used for status bar
Window{PROP:FontSize + PROP:StatusFont} = 10
prop_statusfont.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by