Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions > POINTER (return last queue entry position) >====== POSITION (return record sequence position) ====== | |
POSITION( sequence )
POSITION | Identifies a record's unique position in a FILE or VIEW or QUEUE. |
sequence | The label of a VIEW, FILE, KEY, or INDEX or QUEUE declaration. |
POSITION returns a STRING which identifies a record's unique position within the sequence. POSITION returns the position of the last record accessed in the file or VIEW. The POSITION procedure is used with RESET to temporarily suspend and resume sequential processing.
FILE usage
The value contained in the returned STRING and the length of that STRING are dependent on the file driver. As a general rule, for file systems that have record numbers, the size of the STRING returned by POSITION(file) is 4 bytes. The return string from POSITION(key) is 4 bytes plus the sum of the sizes of the fields in the key. For file systems that do not have record numbers, the size of the STRING returned by POSITION(file) is generally the sum of the sizes of the fields in the Primary Key (the first KEY on the FILE that does not have the DUP or OPT attribute). The return string from POSITION(key) is the sum of the sizes of the fields in the Primary Key plus the sum of the sizes of the fields in the key.
VIEW usage
The return string for POSITION(view) contains all the information required by the underlying file system to reset to the one specific position within the record set currently in the VIEW. It also contains the file system's POSITION return value for the primary file key and all secondary file linking keys. This allows POSITION(view) to accurately define a position for all related records in the VIEW.
QUEUE usage
POSITION(queue) returns a pointer to the first queue record with a matching key value (for current active sort order). If an exact match is not found, a pointer to the next entry greater to one given in the current queue buffer is returned. If all entries in the queue have a lower key, RECORDS(queue)+1 is returned.
Errors Posted:
35 | Record Not Found |
30 | Entry Not Found (QUEUE specific) |
Return Data Types:
STRING | all others |
Example of (POSITION(VIEW)):
ViewO VIEW(Customer) !Declare VIEW structure PROJECT(Cus:AcctNumber,Cus:Name) JOIN(Hea:AcctKey,Cus:AcctNumber) !Join Header file PROJECT(Hea:OrderNumber) JOIN(Dtl:OrderKey,Hea:OrderNumber) !Join Detail file PROJECT(Det:Item,Det:Quantity) JOIN(Pro:ItemKey,Dtl:Item) !Join Product file PROJECT(Pro:Description,Pro:Price) END END END END RecordQue QUEUE,PRE(Que) AcctNumber LIKE(Cus:AcctNumber) Name LIKE(Cus:Name) OrderNumber LIKE(Hea:OrderNumber) Item LIKE(Det:Item) Quantity LIKE(Det:Quantity) Description LIKE(Pro:Description) Price LIKE(Pro:Price) END SavPosition STRING(260) CODE OPEN(Customer,22h) OPEN(Header,22h) OPEN(Detail,22h) OPEN(Product,22h) SET(Cus:AcctKey) OPEN(ViewOrder) !Top of file in keyed sequence LOOP !Read all records in file NEXT(ViewOrder) !read a record sequentially IF ERRORCODE() DO DisplayQue !Display the queue BREAK END RecordQue :=: Cus:Record !Move record into queue RecordQue :=: Hea:Record !Move record into queue RecordQue :=: Dtl:Record !Move record into queue RecordQue :=: Pro:Record !Move record into queue ADD(RecordQue) !and add it ASSERT(~ERRORCODE()) IF RECORDS(RecordQue) = 20 !20 records in queue? DO DisplayQue !Display the queue END END DisplayQue ROUTINE SavPosition = POSITION(ViewOrder)!Save record position DO ProcessQue !Display the queue FREE(RecordQue) !and free it RESET(ViewOrder,SavPosition) !Reset the record pointer NEXT(ViewOrder) !and get the record again
TaxQ QUEUE LowPay DECIMAL(9,2) HighPay DECIMAL(9,2) TaxAmount DECIMAL(9,2) PlusPercent DECIMAL(5,2) END Bracket LONG,AUTO ` CODE SORT(TaxQ, TaxQ.HighPay) !Set sort order TaxQ.HighPay = PayCheck.GrossPay !Initialize QUEUE key field Bracket = POSITION(TaxQ) !Find pay bracket !If Queue was not SORTed, an ERRORCODE 30 will be posted here. IF Bracket > RECORDS(TaxQ) !If value exceeds number of records Bracket = RECORDS(TaxQ) !in QUEUE, set to highest value in QUEUE END GET(TaxQ,Bracket) !read QUEUE entry Paycheck.Tax = TaxAmount + | !calculation based on QUEUE entry (Paycheck.Gross-TaxQ.LowPay)*TaxQ.PlusPercent
See Also: