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The SoftVelocity In-Memory driver is a new add-on file driver technology that does not use physical tables for working with data. This is due to a RAM-based technology known as IMDD (In-Memory Database Driver). All data is stored in RAM, which gives the driver a number of unique properties.

·Extremely high performance. Once data is loaded into the In-Memory table, either at program startup or on-demand, all access is essentially instantaneous.

·Table size is only limited by your machines memory capacity, and because you can use VIEWs to populate In-Memory tables, and can create VIEWs across multiple In-Memory tables, you have the capacity of storing and working with significant amounts of hierarchical data.

·The In-Memory driver has a standard file driver interface, so you can use In-Memory tables with any Clarion entity or template that works with files (Browse, FileDrop, Report, etc.).

·In-Memory tables support an aggregation of all driver data types.

·The application developer can choose to locate highly dynamic or frequently referenced tables in memory, while leaving the less intensively used parts of the database to be stored on much cheaper disk.

·In-Memory tables provide highly exclusive data access. Storing data in a In-Memory table you can be sure of its security and privacy. Even two programs simultaneously running on the same computer will each use their own data copy.

·It's especially useful for WEB-enabled applications. In addition all stored data will be automatically destroyed when application terminates, and you will never have any undeleted temporary files.

·As In-Memory files are recreated each time an application runs, you don't need to convert In-Memory tables after a change to the record structure of your physical file.

·Can be used as a “Global” lookup table, but unlike a global queue, you do not have to write code to synchronize threaded access, because synchronization is built into the driver.

·Instantaneous access to data, even when changing the sort order or applying filters.

·Like an ALIAS structure, the In-Memory driver can emulate the structure of any defined file in the dictionary, but unlike the ALIAS, it can be modified with additional columns and indexes without the need for conversion.

·You use standard Clarion file processing statements to access and update a In-Memory table, the same as you do with other file formats. See Supported Commands and Attributes for a list of supported commands.

overview_2.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by