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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > RuleManager > RulesCollection Class Methods >====== NeedChangeControlStatus (check if control status needs to change) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

NeedChangeControlStatus( control, action, found )


NeedChangeControlStatus Examines the conditions under which the hidden or disabled status of control needs to change and returns information about whether the change is needed now.
control A numeric constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that contains a field equate value.
action A numeric constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that indicates the action to be taken with respect to this control when a rule is broken, defined as follows:
RuleAction:None EQUATE(0)
RuleAction:Hide EQUATE(1)
RuleAction:UnHide EQUATE(2)
RuleAction:Disable EQUATE(3)
RuleAction:Enable EQUATE(4)
found A numeric variable which will be updated with an action code.

The NeedChangeControlStatus method returns True if the status of control needs to change, False if not. On return, the found variable is set to the action that needs to be taken.


 lActionExist = RuleAction:None

 lChange = SELF.NeedChangeControlStatus(pControlFeq,pAction,lActionExist)

IF lActionExist<;>pAction THEN RETURN.

needchangecontrolstatus_check_if_control_status_needs_to_change_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by