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Six Levels of Treatment

By default, the error manager recognizes six different levels of error severity. The default actions for these levels range from no action for benign errors to halting the program for fatal errors. The error manager also supports the intermediate actions of simply notifying the user, or of notifying the user and letting the user decide whether to continue or abort.

Customizable Treatments

These various levels of treatment are implemented with virtual methods so they are easy to customize. The error manager calls a different virtual method for each severity level, so you can override the default error actions with your own application specific error actions. See the various Take methods for examples.

The recognized severity EQUATEs are declared in EQUATES.CLW. These severity levels and their default actions are:

Level:Benign (0) no action, returns Level:Benign
Level:User (1) displays message, returns Level:Benign or Level:Cancel
Level:Notify (5) displays message, returns Level:Benign
Level:Fatal (3) displays message, halts the program
Level:Program (2) treated as Level:Fatal
Level:Cancel (4) used to confirm no action taken by User
any other value treated as Level:Program

You may define your own additional severity levels and their associated actions.

multiple_customizable_levels_of_error_treatment.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by