Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== ENABLE (re-activate dimmed control) ====== | |
ENABLE( [ first control ] [, last control ] )
ENABLE | Reactivates disabled controls. |
first control | Field number or field equate label of a control, or the first control in a range of controls. If omitted, defaults to zero (0). |
last control | Field number or field equate label of the last control in a range of controls. |
The ENABLE statement reactivates a control, or range of controls, that were dimmed by the DISABLE statement, or were declared with the DISABLE attribute. Once reactivated, the control is again available to the operator for selection. If the first control and last control parameters are omitted, ENABLE reactivates all controls on the window.
DISABLE(?Control2) !Control2 is deactivated
IF Ctl:Password = 'Supervisor'
ENABLE(?Control2) !Re-activate Control2
See Also:
enable_re_activate_dimmed_control_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by