Navigation: Language Reference > 13 - Built-in Functions >====== COMMIT (terminate successful transaction) ====== | |
The COMMIT statement terminates an active transaction. Execution of a COMMIT statement assumes that the transaction was completely successful and no ROLLBACK is necessary. Once COMMIT has been executed, ROLLBACK of the transaction is impossible.
COMMIT informs the file driver involved in the transaction that the temporary files containing the information necessary to restore the database to its previous state may be deleted. The file driver then performs the actions necessary to its file system to successfully terminate a transaction.
Errors Posted:
48 | Unable to Log Transaction |
91 | No Logout Active |
LOGOUT(1,OrderHeader,OrderDetail) !Begin Transaction
DO ErrHandler !always check for errors
ADD(OrderHeader) !Add Parent record
DO ErrHandler !always check for errors
LOOP X# = 1 TO RECORDS(DetailQue) !Process stored detail records
GET(DetailQue,X#) !Get one from the QUEUE
DO ErrHandler !always check for errors
Det:Record = DetailQue !Assign to record buffer
ADD(OrderDetail) !and add it to the file
DO ErrHandler !always check for errors
COMMIT !Terminate successful transaction
ErrHandler ROUTINE !Error routine
IF NOT ERRORCODE() THEN EXIT. !Bail out if no error
Err“ = ERROR() !Save the error message
ROLLBACK !Rollback the aborted transaction
BEEP !Alert the user
MESSAGE('Transaction Error - ' & Err”)
RETURN !and get out
See Also: