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The Markers and Rulers section controls the majority of the Text Editor's visual elements:

Show Horizontal Ruler

This option places a ruler at the top of the Editor window.

Show column ruler

Places a vertical line marker at whatever column you specify.

Line Marker Style

This option controls how your active line is displayed. Select Full Row for a special color indicator on the entire line.

Show line numbers

Activate this option to show line numbers on the left side of the editor window.

Underline errors

Activating this option will trigger an underlining of any errors produced by the compiler.

Highlight matching bracket

This option locates and highlights matching brackets whenever any bracket is active. This option is valid for ( ) [ ] { }

Show invalid lines

Activate this option to show invalid lines detected by the type of configuration that you have loaded. Using the “Clarion” highlighting scheme (the default), no lines are considered invalid.

Show EOL markers

Activate this option to show the “end of line” markers. These markers are identified by the special paragraph mark “¶”

Show spaces

Activate this option to show space markers. These markers are identified by standard “dot” markers.

Show tabs

Activate this option to show tab markers. These markers are identified by the special “ » ” character.