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The FormVCRButtons Control Template is used to navigate to different records (or rows) from a single Form window. If desired, you can also perform standard database operations on selected records. It is designed as an alternative to the standard Browse-Form paradigm.


This template is an alternative replacement of the browse that is used to call a Form. Currently this template is only available in the ABC template chain.

The Form VCR buttons control template provides the following functions:


VCR1.jpg VCR2.jpg VCR3.jpg
Go to the first record Page up to the record Go to the Prior Record
VCR4.jpg VCR5.jpg VCR6.jpg
Go to the Next Record Page Down to the Record Go to the Last Record


VCRView.jpg Switch form to View-Only mode
VCR7.jpg Switch the form to Recursive Add Mode. The OK button on the form saves the record and allows you to insert another. The Cancel button cancels the operation and returns to the calling procedure.
C6H0052.jpg Switch the form to change mode. The OK button on the form saves the record and allows you to navigate to another record. The Cancel button cancels the operation and returns to the calling procedure.
C6H0053.jpg Switch the form to delete mode. The OK button on the form saves the record and allows you to navigate to another record. The Cancel button cancels the operation and returns to the calling procedure.


To make this control template active (or visible) to the Form procedure, you must have a Save Button control template populated.

The FormVCRButtons template is designed to merge the standard functionality of the Browse Box template with a standard form. Moreover, it is actually designed as an alternative to the Browse-Form paradigm (e.g., calling a form from a menu).

In addition to these functions, the FormVCRButtons template provides these additional prompts:

Default Behavior tab:


Default Action

Select from the drop list the default mode to set when the Form window is first opened.

Do not include Primary key in view

Check this box to specify that primary key components are not projected into the view. This is useful when working with SQL tables, and allows valid GROUP BY SQL statements to be generated.

Change to Insert mode if table is empty

Check this box to switch the default behavior to Insert if the primary file specified by the update procedure is empty. The only reason that you would not check this box is the case where Inserts are not allowed on the Form.

Page Size

Enter a number (manually or with the spin control) to designate how many records you wish to Page Up and Down when navigating. The default value is 10.


If you need to restrict a particular action supported by the FormVCRButtons (i.e., Insert, Change, Delete) you can simply delete the appropriate button.

In order to enable locator activity with the FormVCRButtons template, you must specify a key for the Form's primary file.

The default behavior for this template is the same as a standard Browse Box. For more help on the other Default Behavior prompts (Locators, Range Limit, Record Filters, etc.), see Browse Box - Default Behavior

FormVCRButtons ' Conditional Behavior

The Conditional Behavior prompts of the FormVCRButtons control template are identical to the Browse Box conditional behavior. See Browse Box - Conditional Behavior.

FormVCRButtons ' Hot Fields

The Hot Fields prompts of the FormVCRButtons control template are identical to the Browse Box Hot Fields. See Browse Box - Hot Fields.

FormVCRButtons ' Classes

The Classes prompts of the FormVCRButtons control template are identical to the Browse Box Classes options. See See Classes Tab.

tplformvcr_general.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by