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This topic presents an alphabetical listing of all LIST control events in the Clarion implementation. Default settings and description is also listed. All properties are Read/Write unless otherwise indicated.

Name Description
AfterCellEdit Occurs after a cell is edited. Data category.
AfterCellValidate Occurs after a cell is validated. Data category.
AfterPaintDataCell Event raised to perform cell level painting after all cell painting has occurred. Display category.
AfterRowAdd Occurs after a new row is added to the List. Data category.
AfterRowDelete Occurs after a row is deleted. Data category
AfterRowEdit Occurs after a row is edited. Data category.
AfterRowValidate Occurs after a row is validated, Data category.
BeforeCellEdit Occurs before a cell is edited. Data category.
BeforeCellValidate Occurs before a cell is validated. Data category.
BeforePaintDataCell Event raised to perform cell level painting before any cell painting has occurred. Display category.
BeforeRowAdd Occurs before a new row is added to the List. Data category.
BeforeRowDelete Occurs before a row is deleted. Data category.
BeforeRowEdit Occurs before a row is edited. Data category.
BeforeRowValidate Occurs before a row is validated. Data category.
CancelRowAdd Occurs when a row being added is cancelled. Data category.
CancelRowEdit Occurs when a row being edited is cancelled. Data category.
ColumnHeaderClicked Occurs when a user clicks a column header. Misc category.
ColumnResized Occurs a column is resized. Misc category.
Contracted The user has clicked on a tree contraction box. Tree category.
Contracting The user has clicked on a tree contraction box. Tree category.
Error Raised when any data error occurs. Misc category.
Expanded The user has clicked on a tree expansion box. Occurs after the node is expanded. Tree category.
Expanding The user has clicked on a tree expansion box. Occurs before the node is expanded. Tree category.
FormatValue Occurs when a row is being formatted to its assigned Picture token. Data category.
GetDataCellPaintAttributes Display category.
GetDataCellPaintColors Display category.
GetDataCellPaintStyle Display category.
GetTotalValue Occurs when a Total is calculated. Data category.
NewSelection The current selection in the list has changed (the highlight bar has moved up or down). Data category.
PageDown The user pressed the PGDN (Page Down) key. Scroll category.
PageUp The user pressed PGUP (Page Up) key. Scroll category.
RowDataNeeded Event raised when VirtualMode is true, and the user scrolls the List past the last available row. Data category.
RowInit Event is raised when a row is initialized. Data category.
ScrollBottom The user pressed CTRL+PGDN (Page Down) key. Scroll category.
ScrollDown The user pressed the down arrow key. Scroll category.
ScrollDrag The user moved the scroll bar's “thumb” button, Scroll category.
ScrollTop The user pressed CTRL+PGUP (Page Up). Scroll category.
ScrollTrack The user is moving the scroll bar's “thumb” button. Scroll category.
ScrollUp The user pressed the up arrow key. Scroll category.
clarion_list_control_events.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by