Navigation:  Language Reference > 8 - Controls > Control Declarations >====== LIST (declare a window list control) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page
  LIST ,AT( ) [,FROM( )] [,CURSOR( )] [,USE( )] [,DISABLE] [,KEY( )] [,MSG( )] [,HLP( )] [,SKIP]
[,ALRT( )] [,HIDE] [,DRAGID( )] [,DROPID( )] [,TIP( )] [,GRID( )] [,TRN] [,COLOR( )] [,LAYOUT( )]
[, MARK( ) ] [, HSCROLL ] [, LEFT ]


LIST Places a scrolling list of data items on the WINDOW, TOOLBAR, or REPORT.
AT Specifies the initial size and location of the control (PROP:AT). If omitted, the runtime library chooses a value.
FROM Specifies the origin of the data displayed in the list (PROP:FROM).
CURSOR Specifies a mouse cursor to display when the mouse is positioned over the control (PROP:CURSOR). If omitted, the WINDOW's CURSOR attribute is used, else the Windows default cursor is used. Not valid in a REPORT.
USE A field equate label to reference the control in executable code, or the label of the variable that receives the value selected by the user (PROP:USE).
DISABLE Specifies the control appears dimmed when the WINDOW or APPLICATION opens (PROP:DISABLE).
KEY Specifies an integer constant or keycode equate that immediately gives focus to the control (PROP:KEY). Not valid in a REPORT.
MSG Specifies a string constant containing the text to display in the status bar when the control has focus (PROP:MSG). Not valid in a REPORT.
HLP Specifies a string constant containing the help system identifier for the control (PROP:HLP). Not valid in a REPORT.
SKIP Specifies the control does not receive input focus and may only be accessed with the mouse or accelerator key (PROP:SKIP). Not valid in a REPORT.
FONT Specifies the display font for the control (PROP:FONT).
FORMAT Specifies the display format of the data in the list (PROP:FORMAT). This can include icons, colors, and tree controls.
DROP Specifies a drop-down list box and the number of elements the drop-down portion contains (PROP:DROP). Not valid in a REPORT.
COLUMN Specifies cell-by-cell highlighting on multi-column lists (PROP:COLUMN). Not valid in a REPORT.
VCR Specifies a VCR-type control to the left of any horizontal scroll bar (PROP:VCR). Not valid in a REPORT.
FULL Specifies the control expands to occupy the entire size of the WINDOW for any missing AT attribute width or height parameter (PROP:FULL). Not valid in a REPORT.
SCROLL Specifies the control scrolls with the window (PROP:SCROLL). Not valid in a REPORT.
NOBAR Specifies the highlight bar is displayed only when the LIST has focus (PROP:NOBAR). Not valid in a REPORT.
FLAT Specifies that the control does not have a 3D border drawn around it (PROP:FLAT).
ALRT Specifies “hot” keys active for the control (PROP:ALRT). Not valid in a REPORT.
HIDE Specifies the control does not appear when the WINDOW or APPLICATION opens (PROP:HIDE). UNHIDE must be used to display it.
DRAGID Specifies the control may serve as a drag host for drag-and-drop actions (PROP:DRAGID). Not valid in a REPORT.
DROPID Specifies the control may serve as a drop target for drag-and-drop actions (PROP:DROPID). Not valid in a REPORT.
TIP Specifies the text that displays as “balloon help” when the mouse cursor pauses over the control (PROP:ToolTip). Not valid in a REPORT.
GRID Specifies the color of the grid lines between columns in the list (PROP:GRID).
TRN Specifies the control transparently displays over the background (PROP:TRN).
COLOR Specifies background and selected colors for the control (PROP:COLOR).
LAYOUT Specifies the control's left-to-right or right-to-left display orientation (PROP:LAYOUT)
MARK Specifies multiple items selection mode (PROP:MARK). Not valid in a REPORT.
IMM Specifies generation of an event whenever the user presses any key (PROP:IMM). Not valid in a REPORT.
HSCROLL Specifies that a horizontal scroll bar is automatically added to the list box when any portion of the data item lies horizontally outside the visible area (PROP:HSCROLL). Not valid in a REPORT.
VSCROLL Specifies that a vertical scroll bar is automatically added to the list box when any data items lie vertically outside the visible area (PROP:VSCROLL). Not valid in a REPORT.
HVSCROLL Specifies that both vertical and horizontal scroll bars are automatically added to the list box when any portion of the data items lies outside the visible area. Not valid in a REPORT.
LEFT Specifies that the data is left justified within the LIST (PROP:LEFT).
RIGHT Specifies that the data is right justified within the LIST (PROP:RIGHT).
CENTER Specifies that the data is centered within the LIST (PROP:CENTER).
DECIMAL Specifies that the data is aligned on the decimal point within the LIST (PROP:DECIMAL).

The LIST control places a scrolling list of data items on the WINDOW, TOOLBAR, or REPORT at the position and size specified by its AT attribute. It is valid in Clarion Win32 Windows, and also for REPORT structures in both Clarion Win32 and Clarion#. The data items displayed in the LIST come from a QUEUE or STRING specified by the FROM attribute and are formatted by the parameters specified in the FORMAT attribute (which can include colors, icons, and tree control parameters).

The CHOICE procedure returns the QUEUE entry number (the value returned by POINTER(queue)) of the selected item when the EVENT:Accepted event has been generated by the LIST. The data displayed in the LIST is automatically refreshed every time through the ACCEPT loop, whether the AUTO attribute is present or not.

A LIST with the DROP attribute displays only the currently selected data item on screen until the control has focus and the user presses the down arrow key, or CLICKS ON the the icon to the right of the displayed data item. When either of these occurs, the selection list appears (“drops down”) to allow the user to select an item.

A LIST with the IMM attribute generates an event every time the user moves the highlight bar to another selection, or presses any key (all keys are implicitly ALRTed). This allows an opportunity for the source code to re-fill the display QUEUE, or get the currently highlighted record to display other fields from the record. If VSCROLL is also present, the vertical scroll bar is always displayed and when the end-user CLICKS on the scroll bar, events are generated but the list does not move (executable code should perform this action). You can interrogate the PROP:VscrollPos property to determine the scroll thumb's position from 0 (top) to 255 (bottom).

A LIST with the VCR attribute has scroll control buttons like a Video Cassette Recorder to the left of the horizontal scroll bar (if there is one). These buttons allow the user to use the mouse to scroll through the list.

A LIST with the DRAGID attribute can serve as a drag-and-drop host, providing information to be moved or copied to another control. A LIST with the DROPID attribute can serve as a drag-and-drop target, receiving information from another control. These attributes work together to specify drag-and-drop “signatures” that define a valid target for the operation. The DRAGID() and DROPID() procedures, along with the SETDROPID procedure, are used to perform the data exchange.



LIST is valid only in a DETAIL structure. Its purpose is to allow the report format to duplicate the screen appearance of the LIST's FORMAT setting. When the first instance of the DETAIL structure containing the LIST prints, any headers in the FORMAT attribute print along with the current FROM attribute entry. When the last DETAIL structure containing the LIST prints, the LIST footers print along with the current FROM attribute entry.

Events Generated:

EVENT:Selected The control has received input focus.
EVENT:Accepted The user has selected an entry from the control.
EVENT:NewSelection The current selection in the list has changed (the highlight bar has moved up or down).
EVENT:ScrollUp The user pressed the up arrow (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:ScrollDown The user pressed the down arrow (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:PageUp The user pressed PGUP (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:PageDown The user pressed PGDN (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:ScrollTop The user pressed CTRL+PGUP (only with IMM attribute).
EVENT:ScrollBottom The user pressed CTRL+PGDN (only with IMM attribute).
EVENT:Locate The user pressed the locator VCR button (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:ScrollDrag The user moved the scroll bar's “thumb” and its new position is in PROP:VScrollPos (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:ScrollTrack The user is moving the scroll bar's “thumb” and its new position is in PROP:VScrollPos (only with the IMM attribute).
EVENT:PreAlertKey The user pressed a printable character (only with the IMM attribute) or an ALRT attribute hot key.
EVENT:AlertKey The user pressed a printable character (only with the IMM attribute) or an ALRT attribute hot key.
EVENT:Dragging The mouse cursor is over a potential drag target (only with the DRAGID attribute).
EVENT:Drag The mouse cursor has been released over a drag target (only with the DRAGID attribute).
EVENT:Drop The mouse cursor has been released over a drag target (only with the DROPID attribute).
EVENT:DroppingDown The user has requested the droplist drop down (only with the DROP attribute). CYCLE aborts the dropdown.
EVENT:DroppedDown The user has dropped the droplist (only with the DROP attribute).
EVENT:Expanding The user has clicked on a tree expansion box (only with the T in the FORMAT attribute string). CYCLE aborts the expansion.
EVENT:Expanded The user has clicked on a tree expansion box (only with the T in the FORMAT attribute string).
EVENT:Contracting The user has clicked on a tree contraction box (only with the T in the FORMAT attribute string). CYCLE aborts the contraction.
EVENT:Contracted The user has clicked on a tree contraction box (only with the T in the FORMAT attribute string).
EVENT:ColumnResize A column in the list has been resized.


F1    STRING(1)
F2    STRING(4)
MDIChild WINDOW('Child One'),AT(0,0,320,200),MDI,MAX,HVSCROLL
         LIST,AT(40,0,20,20),USE(?L3),FROM(Que),MSG('Button 3')
CustRpt   REPORT,AT(1000,1000,6500,9000),THOUS
CustDetail DETAIL,AT(0,0,6500,1000)
    ?L1{PROP:From} = 'Live|Long|And|Prosper'   !Runtime FROM attribute assignment

See Also:





FORMAT (Runtime Properties)

FORMAT (Style Properties)

FORMAT (Other Properties)

FORMAT (Mouse Click Properties)

FROM (LIST data sources)

PROPLIST (list of all properties available to be set at runtime)