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Navigation:  Clarion.Net (Clarion#) > Clarion# Language Extensions > Clarion.NET FAQs > Compact Forms >====== Working with the Physical Device ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

The picture below shows a the CFDemo application (shipped with the install samples) being run and debugged on a MyPAL ASUS A686 with Windows Mobile 6 Pocket PC installed.


At present when deploying files on the a physical device we don't deploy anything except our Clarion runtime library and the application /bin/Debug contents. We do not install Compact Framework Version 2 on the user's device, and we do not install the debug related files (i.e., netcglaunch.exe and its required files). It is the developer's responsibility to deploy them if needed.

All others steps on deploying and running the application are automatic on both XP and Vista.

working_with_the_physical_device.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by