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Application Generator:

·Last edited Embed point is automatically selected in the Embed tree view

·You can now close the IDE if there are Applications opened using the system X button in the top right hand corner of the Frame. You'll be prompted to save the App before exiting.

·You can also close an App using the X button on the document tab.

·You can now use hot keys for menu items when in the Application editor.

·Pressing the ALT keys to match the main menu items will now activate the IDE menus when you are in the application generator.

·When you save a newly created file the save dialog now defaults to the name you set when creating the file

Applications Pad:

·Applications listed in the pad show their target type; either (EXE) or (DLL)

·Application Pad has a new option in the toolbar; “Run Selected Application's Project”.  If you have several applications that create an EXE in your Solution you can build the entire Solution an then choose to run any one of them.

·A new option was added to “Open Containing Folder” for the currently selected Application.

Data/Tables Pad:

·Variable declarations can be edited as text (in TXA format).

·You can configure if the locator in the data pad is below the toolbar, in the toolbar or not available via the Tools/Options/Clarion/General page.

·Typing into a list in the Data Pad or the Dictionary Editor now fills the locator. (it is not necessary to give focus to the Locator entry field)

Pressing Ctrl + Enter when in a list in the data pad or dictionary editor will search to the next entry matching the contents of the locator.

Dictionary Editor:

·The color of the selection bar for the non-active list item has been adjusted so that it's clear what entity; Table or Field, is being edited.

·Locators are available in all dictionary lists. The Locator searches the entire string and will find partial matches within the string. For example, if you search for “total” the search would locate “Sales_Totals_by_Amount”.

·You can use Ctrl +Tab and Ctrl + Shift + Tab to move between Tables that are opened for editing within the Quick View and the DCT Explorer.

·Accelerator keys are added throughout the Dictionary Editor, in particular for the General tab for Field editing.

·The Reference check box now preserves its original state if you scroll through the list of data types in the data type combo-box.

·If you select a DCTX file when selecting File > Save As for a dictionary, then the dictionary will be saved as an XML representation of the dictionary.

·If you click below the last item of any list in the Dictionary Editor, the last node is now automatically selected.

·The Key Editor now shows the Key Components in the General tab instead of a separate tab.

·The audit information is now moved to the Comments tab.

·You can choose to position the Locators in the Dictionary Editor Quick View in either the toolbars directly or below the toolbars.

·All Audit information is now incorporated into the Comments tab for all components and the dictionary itself.

·You can now set the default Data Type, number of Characters, Decimal places, Justification and Offset that the Dictionary Editor uses when adding a new column via Tools/Options/Clarion/Dictionary Editor Options/Column Options.

IDE (general):

·Main menu toolbar buttons use more intuitive icons, documents utilize a new tab style, infrequently used toolbar buttons have been removed (menu items proide the same functionality.

·Start Page enhancements; single-click remove item from Start Page, single-click to open Windows Explorer in the folder for the listed item.

·Errors Pad now has new Clear All Errors button.


·When a duplicate symbol error is detected the linker now reports which files the duplicate symbols exist in.

Redirection System:

·If you add a trailing pipe symbol | to a path in a redirection file, this will inform the redirection system to not search any further when trying to open a file that matches the pattern at the start of the line.

·You can get a “Trace” which lists the folders the redirection system searches to find a file. The Trace is activated from the File→Open File using Redirection File option (also activated with Ctrl-Shift-O).

·Added new redirection symbol %THISDIR% which is set to the directory of the current redirection file. This is useful when you have nested redirection files and want to find a file based on the location of the redirection file.

·Relative paths in an {include} statement are now calculated relative to the redirection file rather than relative to the project directory. This makes it easier to have multiple levels of redirection files.

·The Redirection system has been extended to make it easier to distribute your applications across multiple folders.

Runtime Library:

·Native RTL support for HTML Help

·Possibility to integrate help systems based on future formats

·New SYSTEM property to get or set the Help Engine

·Improved algorithm for display of disabled images

Window Previewer:

·If a file can be found via redirection, this file will be included into the generated program used to preview a window.

·New Template for easily creating files

New Controls/Additional functionality:

·Tri-State CHECK control; supports three states: On, Off, Indeterminate

what_s_new_in_clarion_8_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by