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You can quickly “preview” alternative layouts for DETAILs, HEADERs, and FOOTERs. Fonts, sizes, colors, and positions of report controls are all displayed, and you can see these effects all without actually compiling or running your report.

In the Report Designer:

1.Choose Preview! to “visualize” how the printed page will appear.

The Preview Print Details dialog appears. This dialog lets you generate “filler” data for your report. The data have no values, but serve as placeholders, so you can get a feel for the appearance of your finished report.

2.Highlight a detail (if you have more than one) in the Details list then press the Add button.

Each press of the Add button populates the preview with a filler record. Add one record for a one-record-per-page type report, or add lots of records to see the effects of the page breaking, group breaking, and header and footer options you have selected.

3.Press the OK button.

The Report Designer generates a preview of your report including DETAILs, HEADERs, FOOTERs, BREAKs, fonts, sizes, colors, and positions of report controls.

4.When done “previewing,” choose Band View! to continue editing your report.

using_preview_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by