Navigation: ABC Library Reference > BrowseClass > BrowseClass Methods >====== UpdateBuffer (copy selected item from queue buffer to file buffer) ====== | |
UpdateBuffer, VIRTUAL
The UpdateBuffer method copies corresponding data from the queuefield fields to the filefield fields specified by the AddField method for the currently selected browse item (using the value of SELF.CurrentChoice). Typically these are the browse list's queue buffer fields and the file buffer fields so that the file buffers match the currently selected browse list item.
Many of the BrowseClass methods call the UpdateBuffer method.
IF FIELD() = ?FirstTab !if first tab selected
IF MyBrowse.SetSort(1,0) !apply the first sort order
MyBrowse.ResetThumbLimits !if sort changed, reset thumb limits
MyBrowse.UpdateBuffer !update file buffer from selected item
MyBrowse.UpdateResets !update file buffer from reset fields
See Also: AddField