Navigation: Templates > Guide to all Templates > Wizard and Utility Templates >====== Browse Procedure Wizard utility template ====== | |
This wizard creates a multi-keyed Browse Procedure from an existing dictionary file definition. It also creates associated Form (Update) procedures, if you specify that updates be allowed.
There are three models the wizard can use to create procedures: Button, Toolbar, or Both. See Wizard-Control model
After the introduction screen, you are presented with the following options:
Theme Selection
Theme | Select from the drop list of themes. Themes are groups of settings that control colors, fonts, icons, backgrounds, positions and much more - for Frame, Browse, Form and Report procedures. You will have the opportunity to create a new theme as you progress through the wizard. Select a starting or default theme here. |
Save Settings | After you have selected a theme, you have the option to save these settings for any future applications that you create. |
What name should be used as the label of the procedure?
Type the browse procedure name.
Which file do you want to browse?
Press the ellipsis (…) button to select a file from the dictionary.
Browse using all record keys
Check this box to make the list sortable on all keys. Clear the box to specify a single sort key.
Allow the user to update records
Check this box to generate a subordinate procedure to update the table. Optionally, provide the name of the update procedure. Clear the box to make the list read only.
Call update using popup menu
Check this box to provide right-click popup menus on the Browse list in addition to any command or toolbar buttons.
Parent Record Selection
This prompt appears only if you specify a single sort key that is the linking key in a Many:One relationship. The Browse Wizard infers from this that you may want to browse only the child records for a specific parent record. Select one of the following to confirm or deny this inference.
Do not select by parent record
Do not limit the browse - in other words, browse all records.
Select parent record via button
Browse only the child records for a specific parent record. Provide a button to select the parent record.
Assume that the parent record is active
Browse only the child records for a specific parent record. Assume the parent record is already active.
Provide buttons for child files
Check this box to provide buttons on the Browse window to access related child tables. Alternatively, related tables may be accessed from the generated update procedure.
Provide a “Select” button
Check this box to provide a “Select” button that displays when the Browse procedure is called to select a record, but is hidden when the Browse is called to update records.
Which control model should the Application use?
Button | The wizard builds the browse with traditional Insert, Change, and Delete command buttons that appear on each dialog. |
Toolbar | The wizard builds the browse to use global toolbar command buttons that appear on the application frame. See Control Templates - FrameBrowseControl. |
Both | The wizard builds the browse to use both traditional dialog command buttons and global toolbar command buttons. |
Wizards have different “look and feel” settings and actions called themes, which can be modified and saved for use in other applications. Themes are set and controlled by a variety of customization options.
Press the Next button to accept the selected theme's settings, or press one of the customization buttons to modify them at this time.
Browse CustomizationTPLWizardBrowseCustomization
Form CustomizationTPLWizardFormCustomization
Overwrite existing procedures
Check this box to overwrite existing procedures with the same names. Clear the box to preserve existing procedures.
On the last dialog, the Finish button is enabled. If you are satisfied with your answers, press the Finish button. You also have the option here to Save Changes, where any changes to customization options are saved to the theme that you selected at the start of the wizard. If you wish, you can opt to Save to a new theme.
The Browse Procedure Wizard creates the procedure(s) based on the dictionary file and the answers you provided, and then displays the Procedure Properties dialog for your new procedure.