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The Version Resource extension template gives you the ability to create and implement a Version Information Resource file to use with your application target (executable or DLL).

The information generated by this Version Resource file can be found by right-clicking on your executable or DLL and selecting the Version tab.

Version Information is controlled by the Project System. This template automatically generates a version file using the applicationname.version format, and includes it in the project. You can learn more about this process by clicking on the Version Information Resource Files topic.

The following template prompts are provided:


Company Name

Enter the name of the company that produced the file (e.g., - Acme Inc.)

Legal Copyright

Optionally enter any copyright notices that apply to the file. Include any pertinent text, symbols, and dates. (e.g., - Copyright © Acme 1954-2019)

Legal Trademarks

Optionally enter any specific trademark or registered trademarks that apply to the file.


Optionally enter any information that may be used for diagnostic or general information purposes.


There is a setting in the Version Resource File that is not directly controlled by the templates. This is the “OriginalFilename” VALUE that is set from the value of the Project “Target file”.

For example, if your target file is set to “CWHH70.DLL”, then the .version file will contain the following line:

VALUE “OriginalFilename”, “CWHH70.DLL\0”


In the Clarion LIBSRC folder, there is a default.version file the contains default information for the following template prompts:

VALUE “CompanyName”, “Default Company\0”

VALUE “LegalTrademarks”, “Trademark\0”

VALUE “LegalCopyright”, “Copyright © 2010\0”

VALUE “Language”, “U.S. English\0”

VALUE “CodePage”, “Multilingual\0”

These values can be removed or edited as needed. Do not delete the default.version file.

Product Version

Use External Product Information

Check this box if you would like to include the product information from an external source file. Enter a Source Version File to include. This file must conform to the proper Version string information standards required by the resource file.

This is useful when compiling multiple applications that are all used with a product theme, like a payroll or accounting package.

Product Name (Required)

Enter the name of the product that is associated with this file. For example, you may distribute a special utility or tool that is associated with an overall accounting software package.

Product Major Version (Required)

Enter an integer that represents the major version of the product that this file is distributed for.


Product and File Version information use the following format:


For example, if major = 7, minor = 2, sub = 1, and build number = 555, the product version results as

Product Minor Version

Optionally append a letter or number to the minor version.

Product Sub version

Optionally append an integer to the sub version.

Use Generated Build Number

Check this box to allow the template to generate a build number for you. The template maintains a text file with a .BLD extension that increments the build with each source generation. You can manually edit this file if you wish, or only check this box when you are ready to update versions.

Product Build Number

Enter a valid integer here that represents the build number.

File Version

Internal Name (Required)

Enter the internal name of the file. This could be a module name if the file is a dynamic linked library. In most cases, this name should be the same name as the executable.

File Description (Required)

Enter the name of the file description that the users will see. This name appears directly on the Version tab.

File Major Version (Required)

Enter an integer that represents the major version number of this file. This name appears directly on the Version tab.


File Version information uses the following format:


For example, if major = 7, minor = 2, sub = 1, and build number = 555, the product version results as

File Minor Version

Optionally append a letter or number to the minor version.

File Sub version

Optionally append an integer to the sub version.

Use Generated Build Number

Check this box to allow the template to generate a build number for you. The template maintains a text file with a .BLD extension that increments the build with each source generation. You can manually edit this file if you wish, or only check this box when you are ready to update versions.

File Build Number

Enter a valid integer here that represents the build number.

Pre-Release Build

Check this box to mark this file as one that is part of a pre-release build. Although your user will not see anything special generated by this option, it is still useful for developers using the internal Version Info functions during installs and updates. This option primes the internal VS_FF_PRERELEASE flag.



Select a user's target language in the drop list provided. The language you select will appear in the Version information tab

Code Page

Select a valid Code Page to assign to the Version Information. The default value is multilingual.


Include Clarion Version Information

Check this box if you would like to include Clarion specific information into the generated Version output. You can override the Clarion Version, Template family, and Template version information that is extracted by the template.


Additional string information that will appear in the Version Info list located on the Version tab can be added here (up to 4 entries). Enter a label and corresponding value in the template prompts provided.

tplverres.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by