Navigation: Templates > Guide to all Templates > Wizard and Utility Templates >====== Write Help IDs (WriteHLPIDs) Utility Template ====== | |
The WriteHLPIDs utility template searches through an active application and extracts all help IDs specified by any existing HLP attribute on a WINDOW or control.
If a WINDOW HLP ID is found, the procedure name is extracted and exported with the Help ID to a designated text file. The Field Equate Label is also extracted for controls that have a Help ID assigned.
The following prompts are provided:
Output File
Press the ellipsis button to select a file to generate output to, or enter a new name in the entry field provided.
Skip Items with no HLP attribute
Check this box to only generate procedures and controls that have an HLP attribute attached to them. This could be very convenient for large applications.
Example Text Output:
* List of All HLP IDs for appdemoa *
Application Help File: myhelp.hlp
- HTML Help is Enabled for this Application
Default Help File Name: cwhh.chm
Append .HTM to Help IDs is ON
WALink !procedure name
?sSearch:Prompt !control feq
wKeyword - 'testid.htm' !procedure with HLP attribute
?sSearch - 'test2.htm' !control with HLP attribute
The leading tilde (~) is always stripped out of the generated output. The .HTM extension is visible when set by the Global HTML Help Template.