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The cwHHProc extension template must be put on every procedure that will call the help file. When you add the cwHHGlobal extension, the template automatically adds the cwHHProc extension template to all appropriate (window based) procedures.

This template allows the help file to be different for each procedure, allows a specific topic page to be opened for the procedure and allows a customized keystroke to call the help file.

This template allows the help file to be different for each procedure, allows a specific topic page to be opened for the procedure and allows a customized keystroke to call the help file.


This control template requires the cwHHGlobal global extension.

Populating the Template

Open the procedure that will contain the HTML Help extension.

1. Select the Extensions tab.

The Extensions and Control Templates dialog displays.

2. Press the INSERT button and select the cwHHProc extension.

Template Prompts

The cwHHProc template extension provides the following prompts:

Override Help File name

Specifies the name of the procedure's compiled help (.chm) file. If a file is specified for the procedure, it will override the application's default help file. This may be left blank if there is no overriding help file.

Context URL

Specifies a compiled help (.chm) file or a topic within a help file that is to display when the user presses the F1 key. To specify a help topic use the 'SectionName/PageName.htm' naming convention. If the topic page is in the default section you simply use 'PageName.htm'. Remember that when using the Section/Page convention, the slash is a forward slash.

Alternate 'TRAP' Key

Ordinarily the F1 keystroke, and the F12 trap key (default) initiates the call to the help file. This value can be globally set in the cwHH Global Extension and can be changed here by entering the equate for the new keystroke to initiate the call to the help file.

tplhhproc.htm.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/13 16:57 by