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This control template helps you implement OLE and OCX controls using the Clarion OLE container control.

For OLE controls the template generates code to activate and deactivate the OLE server and to assign the OLE object to a BLOB for saving.

For OCX controls the template generates appropriate MAP include statements to support the OCX, “shell” callback procedures for the OCX, and code to register the callback procedures. Depending on the OCX used, you may need to add additional functionality to the callback procedures.

See Also:

OCX Library Procedures

OLE Properties

The OLE control template provides the following prompts:

Callback Generation

Callback functions are called by Clarion's runtime library (they are not called directly by your program) when it needs to pass information to your program concerning the OCX. Your callback functions should quickly process the information and respond to the caller. The OLE template can generate shell callback functions and their prototypes so you can concentrate on any special functionality required by the callback.

Event Handler Check this box to generate an event handling callback function. Clarion's runtime library calls this function when an OCX event needs to be passed to your program.
Property Change Check this box to generate a property change callback function. Clarion's runtime library calls this function when an OCX property is changed.
Property Edit Check this box to generate a property edit callback function. Clarion's runtime library calls this function when an OCX property change is requested, but permission to make the change is required from your program before making the change.
Include OCX.CLW in global MAP Check this box to include prototypes for OCX related functions (callbacks, register callbacks, unregister callbacks, etc.) in your program's global MAP.
Include OCXEVENT.CLW in global data section Check this box to include common OCX event equates in your program's global data section.
OLE BLOB field Specify a BLOB to contain the OLE object, or press the ellipsis (…) button to select the BLOB from the Select Field dialog.
tplcontrololecontrol.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by