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Navigation:  »No topics above this level«====== Customize Browse Box Sort Header ====== Return to chapter overview

This dialog allows you to control the sort header option on the column level. You can disable columns that do not require sorting, or may be impractical due to the sort performance.

You can also specify special sorts for local variables. For example, if you have a special local variable that combines a first name and a lst name, you can now sort on any or both columns.

A date column can add an additional time sort without displaying the time.

Check the Save/Restore from INI/REG box to save your last sort header setting when exiting the procedure and restore it when opening.

Press the Properties button to modify the column's sort behavior.


The following template prompts are provided:

Override Default Behavior

Check this box to enable the other prompts on this dialog, which overrides the sort header template's default behavior. The default behavior enables all of the columns contained in the Browse VIEW.

Disable Column

Check this box to disable header sorts for the selected column. This is useful if the sort is not needed, or if the column may be too large in size to sort efficiently.


Enter a valid field name, or press the ellipsis button to select a column from the Select Column dialog.

Ascending Order

As you click on a sort header for the first time, the (+) sign is displayed that indicates an ascending sort sequence. This option actually allows you to designate that this column used in the ascending sequence can indeed be either ascending or descending when the ascending order is activated.

Case sensitive

If the column you selected is numeric, check this box to ensure a correct sort behavior.

tplcontrolbrowsebox_sortheader.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:46 by