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The TakeRecord method processes each item in the result set. It returns a value indicating whether processing should continue or should stop. TakeRecord returns Level:Benign to indicate processing should continue normally; it returns Level:Notify to indicate processing is completed and should stop.

Member of: ReportManager


The ReportManager TakeRecord method calls the ProcessClass TakeRecord method for each record, but not all records are read by this method. The first record is read in the ReportManager OpenReport method, and then the TakeRecord method reads all subsequent records. For this reason, it is not recommended to use this method to process activity for all records. Use the ProcessClass TakeRecord method instead.

The ReportManager.TakeRecord method is also called from ReportManager.TakeWindowEvent when the progress event is posted. This is done in a batch mode to optimize the calls and allow progress feedback to be visually updated.

It is important to note that the NEXT method is called in the ReportManager.TakeRecord at the end of the method and that the first record is read by the ReportManager.OpenReport method. That first read is done in the ReportManager.OpenReport method to allow the processing of a possible “no records” condition in the ReportManager.TakeNoRecords method.

Return Data Type:     BYTE


ReportManager.TakeRecord PROCEDURE



ReturnValue = SELF.Process.TakeRecord()



RETURN ReturnValue

See Also:



takerecord_process_each_record_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by