Navigation: ABC Library Reference > BrowseClass > BrowseClass Methods >====== TakeNewSelection (process a new selection:BrowseClass) ====== | |
TakeNewSelection, VIRTUAL, PROC
The TakeNewSelection method processes a new browse list item selection and returns a value indicating whether a window redraw is needed.
TakeNewSelection returns one (1) if a window redraw is needed, otherwise it returns zero (0).
The TakeEvent method calls the TakeNewSelection method when appropriate. The BrowseClass.TakeNewSelection method calls the appropriate Locator.TakeNewSelection method.
Return Data Type: BYTE
IF FIELD() = ?MyBrowse !focus on browse list
IF EVENT() = EVENT:NewSelection !if new selection
MyBrowse.TakeNewSelection() !BrowseClass object handles it
ELSE !if other event
MyBrowse.TakeEvent !BrowseClass object handles it