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TakeCompletedProcess( selected,value,mark), VIRTUAL


TakeCompletedProcess Processes individual values selected for the EditMultiSelectClass object.
selected A LONG constant, variable or expression that identifies the current selected record in the MultiSelect list.
value A STRING constant, variable or expression that contains the value of the current selected record in the MultiSelect list.
mark A BYTE value that indicates that the currect selected item in the MultiSelect list is marked.

The TakeCompletedProcess is a virtual method used to process the individual elements of the multiselect EIP interface. It can be used to override or replace values processed in the SerializeValue method.


The EditMultiSelectClass.TakeEvent method calls the TakeCompletedProcess method for each value selected in the multiselect list. Currently, there is no template-generated code contained in the TakeCompletedProcess method. To process multiple items selected, the SELF.UseVar property of the EditClass is assigned the selected values, with appropriate parsing and delimiters added as necessary.


EditInPlace::HOTS:Facilities.TakeCompletedProcess PROCEDURE|

(LONG pSelectedRecord,STRING Value,BYTE Mark)


 ! Start of “Edit-In-Place Manager Executable Code Section”

 if SELF.UseVar = ''

  SELF.UseVar = Value


  SELF.UseVar = CLIP(SELF.UseVar) & ',' & Value


See Also: EditClass.UseVar

takecompletedprocess_process_individual_multiselect_elements_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by