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TakeAcceptedLocator, VIRTUAL


The TakeAcceptedLocator method applies an accepted locator value to the browse list–the BrowseClass object scrolls the list to the requested item.

Locators with entry controls are the only locators whose values are accepted. Other types of locators are invoked in other ways, for example, with alerted keys. Locator values are accepted whenthe end user TABS off or otherwise switches focus away from the locator's entry control.

The AddLocator method establishes locators for the browse.


The TakeAcceptedLocator method calls the appropriate LocatorClass.TakeAccepted method.


IF FIELD() = ?MyLocator                !focus on locator field

 IF EVENT() = EVENT:Accepted           !if accepted

  MyBrowse.TakeAcceptedLocator         !BrowseClass object handles it



See Also:     AddLocator

takeacceptedlocator_apply_an_accepted_locator_value_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by