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(Enterprise Edition Only)

The Dictionary Synchronizer synchronizes the open Clarion data dictionary with another Clarion data dictionary (*.DCT), a Clarion text dictionary (*.TXD), or a non-Clarion database such as ORACLE, MSSQL, or Btrieve.

What the Synchronizer Does

Generally speaking, the Dictionary Synchronizer:

·automates the conversion of existing data between different versions of your software;

·automates the synchronization, in either direction, of the “master” data dictionary or database with other project data dictionaries and databases;

·creates a complete Clarion data dictionary, including relationships, from an existing database (SQL, Btrieve, etc.) in a single pass.

More specifically, the Dictionary Synchronizer

·compares a Clarion data dictionary with another Clarion data dictionary or with a database (SQL or Btrieve) to identify any differences between them,

·resolves the differences (with your interactive input, or according to a prior synchronization) by proposing changes to the target dictionary or database,

·validates the proposed changes,

·backs up the target dictionary or (non-SQL) database,

·implements the proposed changes directly to the target dictionary (.dct, .txd, or .ddf), or generates an SQL script to implement the changes to the SQL database,

·generates an SQL script or Clarion program to implement the proposed changes to any existing data,

·saves pertinent information about the process for subsequent reuse.

This functionality aids team development by automating the synchronization, in either direction, of the “master” dictionary or database with other project dictionaries and databases. It lets you easily convert or upgrade existing data to higher or later versions of your software, which is a major benefit to both team and individual developers. Finally, the power of Dictionary Synchronizer applies not only to Clarion data dictionaries, but also to non-Clarion file systems and databases such as Oracle, MSSQL, Scalable SQL, Btrieve, etc., so you can create complete Clarion data dictionaries froma existing databases in a single pass.

Synchronizer Servers

The Dictionary Synchronizer uses Synchronizer Servers to access data dictionaries and databases. A Synchronizer Server is a .dll that communicates with a database or file system such as ORACLE, MSSQL, Btrieve, etc.

Generally speaking, the Synchronizer Server does two things:

1.During the dictionary comparison stage, it queries the dictionary or database and collects a complete, current description of the database's files or tables, keys, views, relationships, objects and properties.

2.During the implementation stage, it generates and optionally executes the programs and database commands necessary to carry out any proposed changes, including converting existing SQL data.

There is a built in Synchronizer Server for Clarion data dictionaries, plus several separate Synchronizer Servers for SQL and Btrieve databases. The Clarion Dictionary server handles all Clarion data dictionaries (regardless of the file driver), and need not be registered.

To register a Synchronizer Server, simply register the corresponding file driver with the Database Driver Registry. See Clarion's Development Environment'Database Driver Registry in the User's Guide for more information.

Running the Synchronizer

To run the Dictionary Synchronizer, first, be sure to register the appropriate database driver (see Synchronizer Servers for more information). Next, open your Clarion data dictionary, then press the Synchronize button. This starts the Synchronizer Wizard which leads you step-by-step through the synchronization process. The process requires that you

·identify the other dictionary or database with which to synchronize,

·specify the direction of synchronization (identify source and target),

·tell the synchronizer what to synchronize (all files or some subset of files),

·tell the synchronizer how to match files, fields, keys, and relationships (by name, by order, manually, or the same as the last time you synchronized these two dictionaries),

·tell the synchronizer how to resolve differences between the dictionaries (copy, delete, ignore, etc.).


The Dictionary Synchronizer does not backup data. We strongly recommend backing up your data prior to any conversion or synchronization.

See Also:

Batch Synchronization

syn02.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:46 by