Navigation: Templates > Template Language Reference > Template Symbols > Built-in Symbols >====== Symbols Dependent on %Module ====== | |
%Module | The names of all source code modules other than the PROGRAM module. Multi-valued |
%ModuleDescription | Contains the description of the module. |
%ModuleLanguage | Contains the module target language. |
%ModuleTemplate | The name of the Module Template used to generate the module. |
%ModuleChanged | Contains 1 if anything in the module has changed since the last source generation. |
%ModuleExternal | Contains 1 if the module is external. (not generated by Clarion for Windows). |
%ModuleReadOnly | Contains 1 if the module is read only. |
%ModuleExtension | The file extension for the module. |
%ModuleBase | The name of the module (without extension). |
%ModuleInclude | The file to INCLUDE in the program MAP containing the module's prototypes. |
%ModuleProcedure | The names of all procedures in the module. Multi-valued. |
%ModuleData | The labels of all module variable declarations made through the Data button on the Module Properties window. Multi-valued. |
%ModuleDataID | Same as %ModuleData |
%ModuleDataFull | Returns full identifiers of variables or fields. For fields inside compound structures with prefixes %ModuleDataFull return prefixed field identifiers. |
%ModuleDataStatement | The variable's declaration statement (data type and all attributes). Dependent on %ModuleData. |
%ModuleDataUserOptions | A string containing the entries the user made in the User Options text box on the Options tab for the variable. Dependent on %ModuleData. |
symbols_dependent_on_module.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by