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Navigation:  Language Reference > 2 - Program Source Code Format > Statement Format >====== Statement Format ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

Clarion is a “statement oriented” language. A statement oriented language makes use of the fact that its source code is contained in ASCII text files so every line of code is a separate record in the file. Therefore, the Carriage Return/Line Feed record delimiter can be used to eliminate punctuation.

In general, the Clarion statement format is:

label  STATEMENT[(parameters)] [,ATTRIBUTE[(parameters)]] ...

Attributes specify the properties of the item and are only used on data declarations. Executable statements take the form of a standard procedure call, except assignment statements (A = B) and control structures (such as IF, CASE, and LOOP).

A statement's label must begin in column one (1) of the source code. A statement without a label must not start in column one. A statement is terminated by the end of the line. A statement too long to fit on one line can be continued by a vertical bar ( | ). The semi-colon is an optional statement separator that allows you to place more than one statement on a line.

Being a statement oriented language eliminates from Clarion much of the punctuation required in other languages to identify labels and separate statements. Blocks of statements are initiated by a single compound statement, and are terminated by an END statement (or period).

See Also:

Declaration and Statement Labels

Structure Termination

Field Qualification

Reserved Words

Special Characters

statement_format.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by