Navigation: Language Reference > 2 - Program Source Code Format > Statement Format >====== Special Characters ====== | |
! | Exclamation point begins a source code comment. | |
? | Question mark begins a field equate label, label, or when used as a single character in column one of source code, designates that the statement that follows only be executed in DEBUG mode. | |
@ | “At” sign begins a picture token. | |
@@ | Used in Clarion# only. You cannot use reserved keywords as labels or identifiers unless they include the @@ as a prefix (i.e., @@IF). You also should use @@ as prefix if you'd like to use Construct or Destruct as a label for a declaration that is not a class constructor or destructor. | |
* | Asterisk begins a parameter passed by address in a MAP prototype. | |
~ | A leading tilde on a filename indicates a file linked into the project. | |
!~<;block of comments>~! | Multi-line comments support (Clarion# only) | |
!!! | Initiates XML Documentation (Clarion# only) |
; | Semi-colon is an executable statement separator. |
CR/LF | Carriage-return/Line-feed is an executable statement separator. | ||
. | Period terminates a data or code structure (a substitute for END). | ||
Vertical bar is the source code line continuation character. | |||
# | Pound sign declares an implicit LONG variable. | ||
$ | Dollar sign declares an implicit REAL variable. | ||
“ | Double quote declares an implicit STRING variable. |
( ) | Parentheses enclose a parameter list. |
[ ] | Brackets enclose an array subscript list. |
' ' | Single quotes enclose a string constant. |
{ } | Curly braces enclose a repeat count in a string constant, or a property parameter. |
<; > | Angle brackets enclose an ASCII code in a string constant, or indicate a parameter in a MAP prototype which may be omitted. |
: | Colon separates the start and stop positions of a string “slice.” |
, | Comma separates parameters in a parameter list. |
. | Period is a decimal point used in numeric constants, or connects a complex structure label to the label of one of its members. |
: | Colon connects a prefix to a label. |
$ | Dollar sign connects the WINDOW or REPORT label to a field |
equate label in a control's property assignment expression. |
+ | Plus sign indicates addition. | |
- | Minus sign indicates subtraction. | |
* | Asterisk indicates multiplication. | |
/ | Slash indicates division. | |
% | Percent sign indicates modulus division. | |
Carat indicates exponentiation. | ||
<; | Left angle bracket indicates less than. | |
> | Right angle bracket indicates greater than. | |
= | Equal sign indicates assignment or equivalence. | |
~ | Tilde indicates the logical (Boolean) NOT operator. | |
& | Ampersand indicates concatenation. | |
&= | Ampersand equal indicates reference assignment or reference equivalence. | |
:=: | Executes a Deep Assignment statement. |
special_characters.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by