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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > TagHTMLHelp Class > TagHTMLHelp Methods >====== SetTopic (set the current HTML Help file topic) C6H0009.jpg ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

SetTopic( | control |, topic)


SetTopic Set the HTML Help file topic.
control An integer constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression containing the control number (FEQ).
topic A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression containing a help file topic. This should be enclosed in single quotes.

The SetTopic method sets the current topic name. This should be set before displaying the topic. To tie a help topic to load when a specific control has focus, specify an optional control value. To specify a help topic use the 'SectionName/PageName.htm' naming convention. If the topic page is in the default section you simply use 'PageName.htm'. Remember that when using the Section/Page convention, the slash is a forward slash.


oHH.SetTopic( 'Class_Interface/Class_Interface.htm' )

oHH.SetTopic( ?OKButton, 'myform/ok.htm') ).

settopic_set_the_current_html_help_file_topic_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by