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Navigation:  ABC Library Reference > ErrorClass > ErrorClass Methods >====== SetLogErrors (set error log mode) C6H0009.jpg ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page

SetLogErrors( flag )


SetLogErrors Specifies the mode of error log activity.
flag An integer constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression that sets the current status of error logging.

SetLogErrors sets the value of the ErrorClass LogErrors private property.

The flag value turns the error history logging on or off. Setting this value to one (1 or True) turns on the error logging. Setting this value to zero (0 or False) turns off the error logging.

A file with the name “ABCErrors.Log” will be generated in the program folder.


GlobalErrors.Msg PROCEDURE(STRING Txt,<;STRING Caption>,<;STRING Icon>,|

LONG Buttons = Button:Ok,LONG DefaultButton = 0,LONG Style = 0)

ReturnValue LONG,AUTO


SELF.SetLogErrors(TRUE) !Turn on Error Logging


ReturnValue = PARENT.Msg(Txt,Caption,Icon,Buttons,DefaultButton,Style)

RETURN ReturnValue

See Also: GetLogErrors

setlogerrors_set_error_log_mode_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by