Navigation: ABC Library Reference > BrowseClass > BrowseClass Methods >====== SetLocatorField (set sort free element to passed field) ====== | |
SetLocatorField (free), VIRTUAL
SetLocatorField | Sets the sort free element to the passed field. |
free | An ANY data type, passed by address, that contains the free element that will be used as the locator field. |
The SetLocatorField method sets the specified locator sort to the browse list. The free element represents a potential sort that has modified the default sort in the browse list. That element now can become the active locator.
Implementation: The BrowseClass.SetLocatorFromSort call the SetLocatorField method.
setlocatorfield_set_sort_free_element_to_passed_field_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by