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SetIcon( name, iconname )


SetIcon Sets the icon name of a popup menu item.
name A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression containing the menu item name. The AddItem, AddItemMimic, or AddMenu methods set the item name.
iconname A string constant, variable, EQUATE, or expression containing the name of the icon to attach to the menu item.

The SetIcon method sets the icon of a popup menu item. The AddItem or AddSubItem methods adds the menu item to the popup.


The iconname parameter accepts up to 255 characters.


LOOP sm = 1 to RECORDS(QQ)


 pID = Popup.AddItem(CLIP(QQ.Item) & '  ',Clip(QQ.Item),pID,2)



 SELF.PopupList.PopupID = pID

 SELF.PopupList.QueryName = QQ:Item



seticon_set_icon_name_for_popup_menu_item_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by