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Navigation:  Language Reference > 2 - Program Source Code Format > Compiler Directives >====== SECTION (specify source code section) ====== Previous pageReturn to chapter overviewNext page



SECTION Identifies the beginning of a block of executable source code or data declarations.
String A string constant which names the SECTION.

The SECTION compiler directive identifies the beginning of a block of executable source code or data declarations which may be INCLUDEd in source code in another file. The SECTION's string parameter is used as an optional parameter of the INCLUDE directive to include a specific block of source code. A SECTION is terminated by the next SECTION or the end of the file.


SECTION('FirstSection')      !Begin section

FieldOne STRING(20)

FieldTwo LONG

SECTION('SecondSection')     !End previous section, begin new section

IF Number <;> SavNumber

 DO GetNumber


SECTION('ThirdSection')      !End previous section, begin new section

CASE Action

OF 1

 DO AddRec

OF 2

 DO ChgRec

OF 3

 DO DelRec

END                          !Third section ends at end of file

See Also:


section_specify_source_code_section_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by