Navigation: ABC Library Reference > BrowseClass > BrowseClass Methods >====== ResetResets (copy the Reset fields) ====== | |
ResetResets, PROTECTED
The ResetResets method copies the current values of the Reset fields so any subsequent changes in their contents can be detected.
The AddResetField method adds an associated reset field for the sort order defined by the preceding call to AddSortOrder. You may add multiple reset fields for each sort order with multiple calls to AddResetField.
MyBrowse.CheckReset PROCEDURE
IF NOT SELF.Sort.Resets.Equal() !if reset fields changed,
SELF.ResetQueue(Reset:Queue) !refresh Q
SELF.ResetResets !take a new copy of the reset field values
See Also: AddResetField
resetresets_copy_the_reset_fields_.htm.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/15 15:57 by