7.2.7283 – Fixes/Features/Changes
Template version for both ABC and Clarion chains is changed from 7100/7.1 to 7200/7.2
The following templates are updated in this release:
FEATURE: Added the Table/Key/Column Description as a comment in the generated FILE declaration (it will show in the Code Completion) FEATURE: Added the Procedure Description as a comment in the generated code (it will show in the Code Completion) FIX: An exception was thrown after getting the list of templates when doing Clarioncl -tl FIX: CLOSE(View) would sometimes throw an exception if the view was not open and the tables in the view were SQL tables. FIX: It was very difficult to set the lower limit of a fields "Must be in Numeric Range" validity check FIX: Adding options to a relationship did not flag the relationship as changed the first time you edited a relationship FIX: An exception was sometimes thrown when copying fields in the dictionary editor FIX: Embed tree must be marked as dirty after re-filtering FIX: Embed tree; pressing toolbar button 'show filled only' followed by pressing the 'next filled embed' toolbar button locked embed tree dialog FIX: Masked ENTRY could generate unexpected EVENT:Accepted events FIX: Possible memory corruption on cancelling a procedure without prompts FIX: TPSFIX: some controls needed TRN, alignment and position of controls was inconsistent, font was not same as IDE FIX: The SQL drivers could GPF if PROP:SQL was used to issue a SELECT or CALL statement and then the number of records to fetch at one time was changed via PROP:FetchSize or BUFFER and then the records where retrieved using NEXT FIX: The dictionary editor was not detecting duplicate names when nested groups had prefixes FIX: Themed SHEET with the NOSHEET attribute could be drawn incorrectly FIX: Transparent RADIO and CHECK controls could be drawn incorrectly on changing hot state CHANGE: Updated the Template Version from 7100/7.1 to 7200/7.2 CHANGE: ClariondrvRW.dll is now used when the Report Engine is called from a Win32 program (not ClarionDrv.dll) CHANGE: When you copy a group with a prefix and paste it into the same scope (eg global data into global data), the prefix will be changed to a unique value CHANGE: Allow STRING Control to have an empty USE() PTSS 33905: IDE would loose focus after returning from the Procedure/Module Properties PTSS 35049: Menus for POPUP PTSS 35141: TPSFIX fields need transparent PTSS 35271: Run Selected APP still not working! PTSS 35647: Enhanced Listbox formatter Properties Pad like Windows Properties Pad PTSS 35808: Resizing Functions Window leaves buttons whacked PTSS 36108: Problem with MASK attribute PTSS 36259: Options were not saved for relationships PTSS 36359: Change order of 1st level nodes of the Embed Tree PTSS 36373: String Use variables are causing an error PTSS 36375: SELECT(?entry,start,end) could work incorrectly for ENTRY controls PTSS 36385: SQL drivers would generate the wrong SQL if a view was ordered on a key with 2 components where the first component was a LONG and the second component a CSTRING and a RESET was done on a position string where the hex representation of the long value ended in 00. PTSS 36474: IDE would loose focus after returning from the Procedure/Module Properties REGRESSION: Calling STOP or HALT functions from within the hook for MESSAGE caused infinite recursion
readme_7.2.7283.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/27 11:34 by carlbarnes