/— Clarion 11.1.13788 February 8, 2022 —– Fixes/Changes/Features–/
FEATURE: Added a new pragma to support multi-line string literals; PRAGMA option(eol_is_space => ON/OFF) : if the pragma is ON, end-of-line characters inside a string literal are treated as whitespaces allowing string literals to be multi-line. There are two requirements, the last line of the assignment statement must be terminated with a semi-colon, and you cannot have a WINDOW,REPORT,FILE or VIEW defined within the source code where the pragma is ON. example: V CSTRING(1024),AUTO CODE PRAGMA ('option(eol_is_space => on)') V = ' <div ng-controller="ExampleController" class="expressions"> Expression: <input type="text" ng-model="expr" size="80"/> <button ng-click="addExp(expr)">Evaluate</button> <ul> <li ng-repeat="expr in exprs track by $index"> [ <a href="" ng-click="removeExp($index)">X</a> ] < code>{{expr}}< /code> => <span ng-bind="$parent.$eval(expr)"></span> </li> </ul> </div> '; PRAGMA ('option(eol_is_space => off)') MESSAGE(V)
FEATURE: Added "Image To PDF" library (ClaI2PDF.dll) to the distributables in the Bin folder FEATURE: Added "Image To PDF" library (ClaI2PDF.dll), as an option to the Report Output PDF generator Global Template to modify the library used to generate the PDF globally.
FIX: Some times when repopulating procedures from modules some modules will not be removed from the project. FIX: The linker could potentially run out of memory when invoked from the IDE FIX: REPORT's Band area could remain uninitialized for processing FIX: MDI windows could be opened in incorrect Z-order position FIX: ReportOutput Generators: Setting the File name for any output with a variable declared as string did not clip the file name FIX: Possible memory leaks in Template processing PTSS: 42892 Error 78 after Insert PTSS: 43212 Error 78 resetting a drop after subsequent procedure looped the file (MS-SQL) PTSS: 43238 ReportManager class breaks window z-Order PTSS: 43239 MDI PROP:HIDE breaks z-order
readme_11.1.13788.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 16:27 by sean